07-03-2025 09:33 PM
07-03-2025 09:33 PM
@Gremlin24 it's like the saying 'why fit in when you were born to stand out?' but then the anxiety goes... i don't want to stand out, let me hide pls!! but you fit in perfectly here 💙
i had a feeling you would've tried out some funky, bold colours - LOVE IT!! i've been meaning to dye my hair blue again (the first one sorta failed because it turned green after one wash). pink and purple streaks sounds so fun. did you dye it yourself or get it done?
07-03-2025 09:37 PM
07-03-2025 09:37 PM
i'm not 100% sure ...
but i'd say there shouldn't be any issue in saying "no". i'm guessing you're not looking to pay any of the fees any time soon, right? have you provided them a TFN?
07-03-2025 09:39 PM
07-03-2025 09:39 PM
@rav3n yeah I really don't want to stand out, I want to be invisible. Awww thanks ♥️.
I miss my colours but I just can't afford it now. I had it done professionally twice and then a friend did it once for me. Now I've just had plain boring hair for about 9 years. I wish the colours were permanent, I hate that they wash out so quickly.
07-03-2025 09:47 PM
07-03-2025 09:47 PM
@rav3n yes I just looked at the further info in relation to what I was initially asking you about, and yeah I do have a TFN number so I guess that shouldn't be an issue based from what I just read 😂
07-03-2025 09:52 PM
07-03-2025 09:52 PM
@Gremlin24 getting hair done is SOOO expensive, seems unfair when it hardly lasts long. same here, would love if they could be permanent!! i've always wondered if wigs would be worth it... it seems hard to put on but at least i wouldn't have to worry about the colour disappearing hehe.
@Blackcloud haha that's all good! those applications were always confusing to me too, i'd second guess my answer so many times.
i'm gonna hop off soon, hope y'all have a nice weekend - good night 💜
07-03-2025 09:55 PM
07-03-2025 09:55 PM
@rav3n yeah it's ridiculously expensive. Not sure i could fit all my hair under a wig 😂.
Hope you have a good weekend. Night night, catch you next time hopefully ♥️
08-03-2025 02:09 AM
08-03-2025 02:09 AM
Dear @Blackcloud
I was hit by a car when was 16: coma 6 weeks - there was no help in 1983 - some bad things happened and I was alone by 18. So I remember I went to bed and just decided I was going to recover, I began my study journey with Art College as my recovery.
Looking back, you just need dedication and……..
find ways to extend your mind if you do a piece of art for example:
If your asked to draw a group of eggs, drawing say the dark parts then the white parts
Ide draw that then : change the perspective of the eggs:
do a picture in one point perspective then do one in 2 point
by changing the perspective.
If your asked to say ; draw lines well do that but be bold.
use rubbings of leaves and the floor your walking on to do the lines.
do you see how you can be a wee bit different?
hang on, tomorrow, I’ll draw something ok.
remember called rubbings of surfaces: I’ll draw you something tomorrow. It will be an onion.
08-03-2025 07:45 AM
08-03-2025 07:45 AM
@PeppyPatti those sound very interesting!! Sure, i would love to see what you’ll draw for me! 😊
08-03-2025 05:27 PM
08-03-2025 05:27 PM
08-03-2025 05:32 PM
08-03-2025 05:32 PM
Sounds fun @ArraDreaming
I went to Aldi and got some groceries. Then I submitted an assignment. Ooh forgot the best part, I had 2 crumpets with golden syrup and cream on them. We call it thunder and lightning. Very yummy.
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