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Best Friends Club

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Spirit_Healer 


sending some healing hugs your way.

Get well soon 

Re: Best Friends Club

Oooh yum @Gremlin24 you totally inspired me! Better get my biggest plunger out hehe time to make a big batch of iced coffeeeee!!!

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks, @Jynx . And a black tea, two milk, no sugar for me, please!


@Gremlin24 hectic.


Admission was at 0930. There was about 6 different forms to sign and complete.


Then bag check - I brought many small comforts, so that was extensive.


Lunch. There was an intense fellow patient with BPD from interstate who has also just been through a messy breakup. I had to get up and leave mid-conversation because I was getting triggered by her intensity and topics of conversation.


I like the freedom to choose what I eat and drink.


It's the small things that give me the biggest comfort.


I've been chatting text messenger with my bestie this arvo.


My MHICC worker called just before to update me on who my nurse will be.


I had to cancel my Ob-gyn, Optometrist and Dentist for today and Saturday.


My private psychiatrist is coming to see me after he finishes his outpatient list for the day.


Overall, a good day.


@tyme @Ru-bee @rav3n @Healandlove @PeppyPatti @Shaz51 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hopefully the connection here on the forums can keep you going @Gremlin24 . However, if you need emergency, please reach out to them.


You have an entire community here for you.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Spirit_Healer paperwork sucks but at least that's out the way now. 


The bag checks suck but safety first. 


Sorry that you were getting triggered but good on you for stepping away and caring for yourself. 


Yay for chats with your bestie, that would be so helpful while you are there. 

It sounds like things are in place and that you will be able to get all the support you need while you are there.


Glad it's been a good day for you ❤️




Re: Best Friends Club

@tymethankyou. The connection here is definitely helping, I shouldn't have tried to go without it but I also didn't want to bring everyone else down. I'm just plodding along and keeping my head above water so to speak. Some moments are harder than others and things get very intense quickly and that's when I reach out rather than acting on my thoughts. It's very much touch and go at the moment but I'm fighting as hard as I can with all that I have. 





Re: Best Friends Club

@Spirit_Healer ooh good choice, Got some English Brekky hehe


And good on you for being able to notice and take action to protect yourself when triggered, can be tough especially in unfamiliar territory! 


Much chilling for you this arvo I hope!!

Re: Best Friends Club

Sometimes, it's good to get a break, but at other times, it's good to stay connected @Gremlin24 


If you ever need support with posting in a recovery-focused way, please reach out to us or the community. I'm sure they would all be willing to guide you.


I guess the 2 main things to remember is:

1) Tell the community what support looks like for you in the moment.

2) Tell the community what you are doing to stay well.

Re: Best Friends Club

@tyme i need to stay connected at the moment. 


I will do my best to remember about posting in a recovery-focused way, just sometimes when things are so overwhelming it's hard to think. 


Thankyou for the tips ❤️

Re: Best Friends Club

Hugs @Spirit_Healer 🥰


Coffee time @Gremlin24 , @tyme , @Jynx 😊

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