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Re: Best Friends Club

Ok, I need opinions. 


Here is the scenario

You're at the laundromat

There are 6 washers, 2 large, 2 medium and 2 small

The small are the most used because they're the cheapest

Both the small machines are in use when you get there, but they are both due to finish soon

One gets emptied as soon as it's finished and you proceed to do your washing. 

The other still has its washing in it when you go back to put your clothes in the dryer, 40 minutes later


Knowing the small machines are the most popular, what do you do

a) leave it alone and wait for the guy to come back

b) move his washing to the currently out of order machine

c) dump it on the counter, he should know better


@Oaktree @Shaz51 @Healandlove @Gremlin24 @tyme @PeppyPatti 

Re: Best Friends Club



If you don’t need the machine just leave it alone. If you do need the machine and the offending machine is finished, I would move the washing.

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde ok this is tricky. Anything could have happened to said person and that could be the reason it hadn't been emptied. I'm either A or B. A cos I really wouldn't appreciate if someone touched my stuff, but B cos I'd also partly understand if someone did move my stuff to free up a machine.

Re: Best Friends Club

Sitting with you @Sunnyside226 

And I am a Community guide but I can't see your emails 

But can talk to you here xxx

Re: Best Friends Club

That’s it @PeppyPatti get your draw ✍️ on. Doesn’t matter what it is. Relax go to it. πŸ‘πŸΌ

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 weather today in WA. Not too bad. 29 degrees right now. Nice breeze.

I think it’s nap time.

Are you getting some good sleep Shazzy?


Re: Best Friends Club

Ooh @PeppyPatti 


I want to learn to draw. I started on stick figures a couple of months ago but haven’t done anything since.



Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde I would leave it and wait for the person to come back because I wouldn't want to touch their clothes. However if they take too long then I would put the clothes on the counter and just leave a note. 

How did you go?

Re: Best Friends Club

Hello @RiverSeal πŸ˜Š

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year πŸ₯° 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @Shaz51 I did thank you πŸ™ I'm still away up in FNQ for a bit but will be back in Melbs next week. How was your festive season? RiverSeal