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Re: Best Friends Club

Hahahaha that’s so funny because my Mrs said that like 2 days ago she said I had golden retriever energy or kelpie because I just friggen go and go @Jynx

Re: Best Friends Club

We would love to know what on earth is going on inside that head @Jynx he’s got my weirdness even though technically that’s impossible

Re: Best Friends Club

Haha yep, if not golden or kelpie then like maybe red heeler @ArraDreaming. Or maybe this very specific dog I met once or twice growing up - this dog was incredible, half dingo half heeler, and all go-go-go all the time!! Little bit wild too, you could tell! This dog would NOT take anyone's sh!t hahaha so yeah, that's you 😋


Honestly, that kid is going places! Weird people are the best people, always fun to be around!

Re: Best Friends Club

A beagle sounds great @Jynx 😁


I love kids imagination @ArraDreaming 


One of my customers had 2 Labradors and I had to lift up their legs to vacuum 😅 and when they lean on you with their full weight 

Re: Best Friends Club

Our dog tries to bike to vacuum @Shaz51

Re: Best Friends Club

Hello @Healandlove 

Does your dog like attacking the vacuum 🤔 like @ArraDreaming 

@Jynx you and i are out , no dogs @

Re: Best Friends Club

While not exactly pets, we have this duck that made our pool it's home a few years back.  We started feeding it a couple of years ago and it's sort of adopted us.  It will stand at the door to greet you if the food bowl is empty.  If I leave the door open in my workshop it will come in to tell me it's hungry.  Every year it has ducklings and they appeared this morning.  I have to make a little ramp in the pool so they can get out after a swim.  So here's a video I took this morning.

and one from a couple of years ago...


Here's a couple of photos of them from this morning as well...



Needless to say, the cats get very interested in watching out the window.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 hey Shazzy,  hope you're well.🙌🙌🙌

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx @Glisten @ENKELI hey cool friends, hope you're all going well. Had anxiety in the afternoon.  Better now. Take care. Enjoy the evening 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten I am only now catching up on all my messages.

Today I decided to do a few things, like sort out my Tupperware collection and donate what I don't need. It would help if I stopped buying it too. At least the pantry will look neater when I am finished.

I made a cake, just have to ice it now. Made Thai green curry the slack way with a recipe base. Usually I cook the paste and spices down then add the chicken, coconut milk etc etc but lack of sleep the past couple of nights has made me a tad "efficient" in my cooking. I think I finally got to sleep around 2.30 or 3, then woke up at 6 and pretended to sleep for an hour. 

Made chilli con carne for nachos and also put some yoghurt on to set. 

I was going to plant some capsicum seeds but it's getting late and I am tired. 


Penguins. All sorts. I especially love the Rock Hopper ones. They look mad but really probably aren't.

Penguins are short. I am short
Penguins are roundish. I am roundish.
Penguins can't fly. I can't fly.

Therefore I am a penguin. I prefer colder weather despite my SAD disposition when it's dark and miserable.

Penguin is my spirit animal. 


So if I go to the Czech Republic do you think SIL would give me a job? 😁

I think we are related. We should discuss this over muffins and hot beverages. And while you're having a muffin break I'll go ride the nags. I will also do a few laps of the stairs, I could do with the exercise.


I didn't see any bobcats or racoons while I was in the US. I did see bears, moose, caribou while I was in Canada though. I have a photo I took of a moose that was standing about a metre from me. That was pretty cool. 


My friends used to run Swan Valley Wagon Tours and I adored their Percherons. Magnificent beasts!

Very close re Murdermittens, he is a red point, or that's what his adoption certificate claims. 


How has your weekend been?
You are going to look like a finely tuned athlete at the end of this project, you sessy womans!

What is your favourite tea? I like a Lady Grey myself, or Lemon myrtle. 


Mucho loves and hugs xoxo