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Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI maybe it is time for Prague?

I fix the vacuum cleaners because I can’t stand when tools don’t work at their best.

Also the disgusting odour that comes from badly maintained filters makes me angry.

I found a chicken bone in my friend’s dishwasher filter :nauseated_face: 

Praying is good for your brain 🧠 

I wonder if there is a portable sauna on marketplace?


Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten @Oaktree @ENKELI @Jynx @Shaz51 hello everyone,  glad you're all going okay. Pray for more good things to come your way. Struggling here. Take care. Please pray for me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten Prague?


I'm a little frustrated because I sent an email and it hasn't been answered. Maybe being only Tuesday I should be a little more patient...!

I feel like some people get to say what they like on the forums and others don't...not targeting anyone, just something I've noticed in the past year or so since I've been on them.


I completely understand about the vacuum cleaners. My washing machine is in need of a service and I don't know who to contact and am worried how much it will cost as I don't have money now.


I would love a portable sauna, but it would have to be a steam one and not infrared. I have looked online for one but again until I have the money it's just a pipedream. Swan Aquatic is close to me and has one but I'd rather not have to share with a bunch of strangers. And again it costs $$

I honestly wish I had the option to go on sickness benefits so I didn't have the added stress of having to apply for jobs each week to justify the meagre amount the govt gives.


I hope your day is looking better than mine. 

Re: Best Friends Club

praying for you @Meowmy 🙏😍🤗

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI thank you so much for your powerful prayers. Love you.

Re: Best Friends Club

💜🙏🫂 @Meowmy 


Hope your load is lightened this evening my friend 🤞

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx hey Jynx, thank you so much for prayers. Feel lightened already 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Best Friends Club

@Meowmy you are most welcome my lovely 😍

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten @Meowmy @Jynx @Oaktree @Shaz51 this is for you xoxo





Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI Prague bakery Kingsley Village.

Swan Aquatic will become my new local.

@ENKELI can get your GP to fill out SU415 Centrelink doctors certificate for 3 months stress and anxiety?

I can’t service wash machines. They are too difficult.

@Jynx the Daily Achievement thread. I am compelled to ask if this can be tagged as a No Put Down zone/No Negative zone?

I believe that it is self evident that people struggle on daily basis. To post an achievement on that thread, the person needs support, validation and praise.