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free Mindfulness online course

I found an online mindfulness training course that looks interesting. Not sure if im going to do it yet but thought there might be others who would be interested in it, there are loads of other free courses on the site as well, I never knew these types of courses were available! Its not individual or 'therapy' based, but does seem designed to teach people the overall strategies of mindfulness.. just thought I'd share 🙂




Re: free Mindfulness online course

Hi @Former-Member.  Thankyou for sharing the mindfulness link.  I haven’t had a chance to check it out in full, but I imagine if it is from Monash University and Smiling Mind it is reasonable to assume the course would be true to practice.  Mindfulness can be incredibly useful in managing stress and anxiety.  Right from the beginning, when in sitting practice, people can feel benefits.  And with consistent practice, there can be noticeable changes in how you feel getting about your day-to-day activities, even when not in ‘traditional’ practice.  I would definitely encourage you to give it a go – even if you don’t progress with it.  Trying something new gives us a sense of accomplishment in its self.     Smiley Wink