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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 I can totally understand feeling so crappy when you're partner is going away for so long! Sounds like it's been really super tough for you. Has your partner been supportive during this time when things have been getting so bad for you?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Jynx I haven't told them 😒 


I really want to tell someone what I want to do but I can't 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 Kitties are good! They both had a vet appt yesterday to get vaccinations, and boy oh boy was that a loud car ride!


I can imagine it's tough to tell your partner, or anyone for that matter. Sometimes it's really hard to be vulnerable. What about you could tell me in an email? I just sent you a reply so you could respond there.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

😂😂😂 a loud car ride  oh dear  did you put your Headphones in ?  @Jynx   


I haven't got a email for you was it the one from Tyme?  


How was your week? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 haha no cos my dad told me that it's dangerous to drive with headphones on, cos you can't hear cars that might be in your blind spot! So I just listened to the chorus of kitty complaints 😂


Yeah I just replied to the same email thread that you had with tyme, it should be in your inbox!


Week has been okay, not much to report! Kitty mischief, cooking, shopping, laundry, the usual stuff. You?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

😂😂😂  poor kitty cats 


I listen to my music in my headphones while driving 🤣 I don't have to hear people talk then 


Gee you sound like a busy bee  


We came back from camping on Tuesday  

Been trying to spend time with the partner  I got tried off that so they went out  

Not much they went fishing today they catched a big fish @Jynx tonight we are just watching a movie later on 

Not much this week  


I see the email now  😁 


How was Easter? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 haha fair enough! Sometimes it's nice to shut out all the external noise hey! I have noise-cancelling headphones for a reason 😋 I honestly don't know how people can go to places like a shopping mall without headphones on! 


Oh nice, are you gonna eat the fish tonight too? Ooh what movie are you watching? 


Easter was nice, I saw both my partners and got to go to an art exhibition! What did you do? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

No I have no idea if it's a eating fish I don't even know what fish it is  all I know is it's a really big fish 😂  I could send a picture  I'm too ass too 


Friday to Tuesday we were all camping 

The kids were screaming and screaming  I had 2 kids sleeping on me very uncomfortable 

We were somewhere in a bush park I got lost a couple of times 😂😂 @Jynx 


I can confirm the kids were full of sugar  and very annoying 


I'm glad I don't have kids yet  


Is razz still a kitten? @Jynx  sorry I am talking a lot 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 hahaha well if you do end up eating it, hope it's delicious!


Bahaha well since you're here, it sounds like you didn't stay lost! Sounds like camping was a hoot! Yeah I love my niece and nephew but kids are too much for me too! Won't be having any of my own, I can barely look after myself and two cats hahaha. 


Razz is technically like... the equivalent of an 18 year old? She's a year old now, so she has almost finished growing, but she's now eating adult cat food instead of kitten food (just like how 18 year olds are 'adults' but still have a teenager mentality hahaha). 


You don't have to apologise for talking a lot! I talk a lot too! It's fun to have lots of nice chats, so nothing you need to be sorry for 😊

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I messed up something bad