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Re: oRe: Progress..

Hey @Alice10 ,


Hearing you. You are very brave in taking this huge step. Give yourself the credit you deserve. So proud of you! Take little steps, one step at a time.


Hey @Asgard ! How's everything going? Work?

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @Alice10 


I hope the doctors can get you on the road to recovery very soon.


Sending healing thoughts your way 🤗

Re: oRe: Progress..

@Alice10 , How's things?

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @tyme 

I have somewhere to go and support, I'm just wondering when to do it. It's not going to be pleasant. I feel like I've been through enough and this is massive. Anyway, without raving on, yes, I have some family who are willing to be there for me while I start my new journey. They're basically waiting for me to say I'm on my way.. 

Scary times. 


@Asgard @Mustang67 

Re: oRe: Progress..

Thank you @Mustang67 I'm a bit better coughing a lot less etc

Cheers Alice

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @Alice10 I am so glad that you have some family that are willing to support you while you start your new journey. I know it is a big step, but you are worth it 😊


Because the psychiatrist that I was referred to, will not allow me to use his report in my Disability Support pension application, my therapist has referred me to a different one, so I can hopefully submit it to help my claim. I have the appointment on Monday, but I am not looking forward to it, as it means I have to go through everything for about the 10th time. And it always alters my mood afterwards. And not for the better. But I am trying not to stress about it too much.


I also wanted to congratulate you on taking this massive step forward, even though you know it wont be pleasant. I took the same step, and I must say that 6 months down the track, I can see some improvements. It has been tough at time, but it is definitely worth it, and so are you. You have got this!

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @Alice10 @tyme 


How are you Alice, am so sorry that I havent been in contact, I started a new job as a peer worker and I have been a tad shattered these past few weeks.  I come home and collapse on the couch.  But am getting less tired each day and the work is really rewarding.  Hope this finds you well and that your lungs are back to working again.  It really sucks when you are ill.


I have to read what you have been up to. 


But am back to being a slightly less tired me


Look after yourself



Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @Alice10 


Just caught up on whats being happening, the very best of luck in what happens and as you said your friends are just waiting for that call.  Am so there with you, massive respect to you for making what is a very difficult call.  Be strong but most importantly be safe.


Take care Alice.......Asgard

Re: oRe: Progress..

@Asgard @tyme 


I've not been able, well, it's been too full on... for posting stuff, but my "person" has said he wants to leave which means I'll be keeping my home. He has today said this is definite. He already has somewhere to move to. I won't go into how this has all come about but it is actually feeling like a miracle. I've got somewhere to "be" and stay while he packs etc. That is the situation now. I never would have anticipated this. Starting to breathe easier. Hey Asgard, take it easy mate, look after "you" with new job, can be a stressful period. Lots of self kindness 😌 


Re: oRe: Progress..

Wow @Alice10 , things just seemed to 'unfold' the right way. Your persistence has paid off.


Please don't feel you are alone in what you are going through. We are here to support you. Any loss is a loss and there can be emotions tied to it.


Please look after yourself. 


@Asgard , can't wait to hear more about the job! Hope you are well.