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Re: Daily Achievements!

Hi @Judi9877 

What a really good idea.


My achievements today so far are:

*Got up in time to take the kids to school

*Didn't go back to bed when I got back home


To me these are big achievements at the moment.


Re: Daily Achievements!

Hello @Judi9877 and Forum Friends and Firstly I have to say thank you @Judi9877 for your perfect timing on this subject as I find myself neeing to be more positive especially as you say with Anxiety and Depression making it hard to see our acheivements I really needed this post and at this time so thank you so much Heart  I would like to write down one Acheivement for today                                               the first is I finally Rang The Gas fitter/Plumber to fix Hot Water Service and Thankfully am able to have hot showers again Smiley Happy                                     

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Judi9877  Hi there ๐Ÿ˜Š

What a good idea. Congratulations on paying your rego, and for making and savouring that cup of tea โ˜• Just setting up this thread is an amazing achievement. 

Well so far today I have managed to shower and dress. Now I'm thinking about making a cup of chai tea. Hoping to get a little more done tomorrow. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Emelia8  I am so sad for your loss.

All power to you for getting through such a difficult moment. 

Wishing you comfort, strength, and peace in the days, weeks, and months to come ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’ž

Re: Daily Achievements!

Thanks for starting this @Judi9877 


Well done to you @Emelia8 . I am sure your H will have a wonderful send off lovingly prepared by you.


My achievements today are:


I got out of bed

I drove to Work (a bit late)

I said โ€œyesโ€ to a family member wanting to stay over this weekend.

Re: Daily Achievements!

Condolences dear @Emelia8 . We are with you.


Hugs, BPDSurvivor

Re: Daily Achievements!

Dear @Judi9877 ,


Thanks for starting this thread! The attitude of gratitude really keeps us going.


Today, I am greatful for the following achievments:

- getting a lot of work done

- feeling happy and content with how things are (employing radical acceptance)



Re: Daily Achievements!

This is a lovely idea for a thread @Judi9877 

Well done to everyone who has managed to do something they've wanted to do (or maybe had to do) too. The official things are things I find really hard on the bad days, so paying that rego, yep, well done. 


Some days my depression and/or anxiety can prevent me from doing the smallest of tasks most others find easy. Monday was a taxi ride to see a new GP and I'm still recovering from all that goes with that. 


Today I managed to vacuum the floors.

Then paid the rent 2 days early - I worry that the online banking/ pc/ whatever might be down if I wait till Friday to do it, so have begun to pay early to alleviate those silly worries. 

Ordered the water delivery for later in the week.

The online order (that I made yesterday) for fruit/ veg and bread/ grocery delivery came about 3 hours earlier than usual, so that is already unpacked, washed, drained, sorted and stored.


But now I have the grandmother of all migraines and am about to go lie down in the dark.


Wishing everyone well in their achievements. Heart


Re: Daily Achievements!

@LostAngel Fantastic you've managed to get the hot water back on!


Hey there @frog ๐Ÿ‘‹


And it's really great seeing everyone's achievements on here, what a great thread @Judi9877 it makes me feel good reading this throughout the day.


Today's achievement for me is getting in touch with one of my clients to finalise their account. That's one down ๐Ÿ’ช

Re: Daily Achievements!

Hi @Judi9877 


Thank you so much for starting this thread - itโ€™s such a great idea Smiley Happy


Itโ€™s just so easy to berate and punish ourselves for all of the things that we believe that we should be doing or fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others!


Iโ€™ve never been great at celebrating my achievements - but here goes!


I fall to sleep around 3.00am / 4.00am every morning - only to wake up again shortly after! But yesterday, I forced myself to crawl out of bed at 6.00am so that I could attend a medical appointment Smiley Happy


Thank you again for encouraging us to recognise and celebrate our own unique achievements!


Take care,


ShiningStar Heart