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Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

@GothMum -  You said "...perhaps the wayside is in fact, the only truly quiet, environ on earth..."

I now live in the wayside. This wayside of mine. I want to cry, oh, I AM crying, This quiet place everything turned down. Feeling like I have no real purpose, holding that feeling because it is 'just a thought' and letting it slide. 

I feel like a raw nerve most of the time, my capacity to endure the sights and sounds of our society, the never ending noise - the lack of intellectual rigour. The 60's and 70's was such a promising time when people really started to think, explore and create a time of immense promise. But, that was squashed from on high as dangerous to the status quo. In the past few years we have had this vast explosion of anti-intellectualism, where we musn't think too much, musn't question, just consume, eat, sleep, work - don't think that is bad for the 1% who would plunder and pillage the planet. And, if you don't work, well what a burden on society you are (even if you are not pulling a pension). I listen to the news and filter it all through a deconstruction funnel, and the bits that stick show me the ones that manage the world really have no clue what they are doing.
The Emporer Has No Clothes...

I went out yesterday for an hour into a community event, OMG. There were rides and ferris wheels, thousands of people, dogs, kids, pushers (ummm, not pushers-of-drugs, the things kids get pushed around in) and stalls etc. There were competing stages set up and singing, drumming, presentations all blaring. I held my own through it but was very relelived to get home into the quiet. I bought a nice shirt though. We had coffee and cake, our dogs were as glad to get home as we were.

I have a friend who is very knowledgeable about the Aspergers-Autism spectrum and correlated phyisological issues. I was not developmentally delayed per se - but I did struggle mightily at school. I am brilliant with patterns, seeing them, and making sense of them, but I failed mathematics because of the way it was taught,  i just couldn't grasp it and my teachers were punishing of mistakes (as was my mother) so I just froze up with numbers - to the point where I have a synethesia where numbers are colours and textures not concepts - it makes it hard to process! Sadly ,despite my having a very high IQ and brilliant brain for SOME things - creative, lateral thinking, problem solving, (like creating kick ass Standard Operating Procedures) school and how it was done in the 60's and 70's left me sturggling. I dropped out in first term of year 10 (15 years old). After that  I was never well enough to attend university, despite getting the highest stat (adult entry test) score in the state 15 years after leaving school, unfortunately - I would have loved to have been a surgeon, a philosoper or a veterinarian. (a philosophising veterinarian - ha! "What is this Dog I see before me?"). Unfortuantely, as a late teenager when this whatever it is post-trauma, genetic predisposition MI kicked in I picked up alcohol and illict drugs to self medicate, my 20's were a mess, when I got myself together in my 30's sober, drug free for 10 years - then I met my birth mother (I 'm an adoptee) and fell off the edge of the world into a mental maelstrom, I was just coming out of that and starting to get a handle on myself again and my best friend was killed in a car crash. Within a year or two I was being bullied at work by a narcissist, then I had a catastrophic back injury in 2011 (and surgery) and the constant pain which I had always lived with rachetted into the stratosphere as did my MI. I broke.

Today, I am feeling every inch of my desperate, lonely, unproductive, non-focussing, unmotivated, procrastinating, getting fat, hurting body life and I wonder if it isn't time to get myself back to see a pyschologist for a while to get refocussed on doing good stuff for myself. I have been meaning to go swimming every day for the past 6 weeks and haven't managed to yet. The medication I am on while it calms the hysteria-of-my-mind, makes me want to eat all the time, i am sluggish and unmotivated (but that might also be where I am in my BP cycle). Any minute now I might begin to FLY and start a whole passell of helpful things, maintaining that for the duration of the hypo mania or months and months who knows. I just want to curl up and die right now (I won't though because I have made a non-suicide pact with my partner and Mum. I always get through it, around it, over it, past it). I am just feeling very lost, unhappy and useless. But, I pretend to my partner I'm okay because they go to work and support us, I  am the hosuewife for the first time in my busy life. Doing a good job at that most of the time, but it is hardly intellectually stimulating. I spend a lot of time on social media as an activist, organiser, educator, leader, commentating but had to pull the plug on that while I go through a Total and Permanant Disability claim though insurance. Frazzled in a numb way and frail today.

PS: Again I feel like this is totally off topic, I thought about starting this as a new thread, but feel that it is just flowing on from what others have said. I do not want the original topic to be subsumed by these side threads - but I feel that if I started a new thread - the continuity would be lost too. This is forum for a bunch of people living wit MI - maybe the format, the continuity, the circling about is par for the course? Sorry if anyone feels derailed.

Community Elder

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

Dearest @MoonGal

Love what you wrote.

A long time ago ...... I used to have a high intelligence ..... Now not so much but I feel very inspired by @GothMum story.

But again ...... Reflecting on @GothMum I don't know if I could have done what she has done. She writes of the stress of writing her doctorate ....... Yeah write a doctorate ...... I have nothing like that but I hold onto that when both my children were born I didn't want my pathologies and live their own lives.
I read your story ......yeah your messages are so clever.
A. You trust your partner and mum
B. You ...... Didn't use for 10 years
C, you write of mi not as a victim but as matter as fact.
D. Met your birth mother
E. Grief
F. Bullied while working.

You care for your self adopting greyhounds on the edge of being killed.

You don't know me..... I don't know you but your story is full of meaning.
Ps. Don't think is ...... Quasi intellectualism it's more like part time intellectualism ...... Someone who knows a grain of everything then shows off about it like they have a fxxxxxxxx thesis about everything ...... I think they call it the people who hang out at little cocktail nights with high pitched laughs

Love your writing too
I want to re read re read
Community Elder

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

As usual my message doesn't make sense
I mean that I hold on that I achieved a long desire in that my two children live and manage their own lives plus listen to me which I think is a huge achievement.
Now I'm grabbing support from everywhere ..... Getting great suggestions from my dear friends from Sane Forums
And working out how to live my own life

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

@PeppiPatty, thank you for acknowledging my experience, you summed it up well. I have now once again not used (alcohol and illicit drugs) for 5 and 1/2 years, so got back on track there too. Glad there are parts of my story/lived experience that speak to you. 

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

@GothMum, @PeppiPatty- It is better to identify it - and see it and speak it than to live crushed by it. Acceptance, at last. I will cycle up soon, it is the nature of the beast.

Community Elder

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

Dear @MoonGal

I'm noting with your early life....... That you survived.
Ive never used illegal substances but I truly have been : right in there.
My husband ..... Has been there and I can truly acknowledge your strength for keeping clean.
And....I love your writing .... You must forgive me if I go psychobabble ...... Just pull me up.

The site : it keeps me honest and in perspective. I think of what I do: now:

@MoonGal is creative : she wraps the term relationship around her body and embraces Greyhounds :

Jeepers: how can I grow from that. Keep gentle and positive.

I am dearly wanting to forget about my creativity from the past and wrap ..... One thing around me and stay creative.

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

This is a valuable thread. Thank you @GothMum @Tight-Control @grubbytoes and @Former-Member

@PeppiPatty .. you have heaps of creativity too.

My current challenge is having my conversations remain friendly and not too intense.


Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

@PeppiPatty - I see a woman who IS wrapped in clarity... and creativity.
This: "she wraps the term relationship around her body and embraces greyhounds" is my life." beautiful insight and creative writing. Thank you.
Community Elder

Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

I'm  having my support worker over and I'm going to be making my sister in the USA a present 


It's tonight now in WEstern Australia

You are not going to believe this but I had the most lovely surprise today. I have a supportworker who is a whiz bang wonderful crafter and she hasnt come to see me for a long time but she turned up today and............she got me started sewing a handbag for my sister today.


Those words,,,,,wrap the  relationship,' was ringing in my ears.....

So, yes yes, your helping me too....



Re: Relentless imaginary conversations

WARNING! WARNING! Train of thought approaching......


i'm not BP (although my mother is so I grew up in a household that was effectively on standby waiting for mum's 'change') my depression is overall classed as 'stable'; which sometimes sounds more like a way to describe asthma or diabetes than mental illness. I understand 'stable' to mean that as long as I'm medicated (I made a medication pact with my unborn first child; my mother refused medication and created much damage to all her children with both the BP and narcissism, I promised my child that in order to be the best mother I could be I would take the meds my health team determined appropriate).

whoa, that was a long introductory note....

today I had a particularly dreadful day.  I have lows where I cannot get out of bed, can't do the dishes, can't process the needs of my children (biggie about to transition to secondary school, middlie moving to a non school middle years program due to his MI and youngstar beginning to get sidelined for being 'weird' in 3rd grade), can't think properly, lose words, and become extremely vulnerable to crying for -as my ex husband says- 'no apparent reason'. For me those lows no longer last for months as they once did, but for a day here or there on average about twice a month. These are the days I'm particularly at risk of suicidal behaviours, but I have promised my GP that I will call with a code word if I get really close. I do frequently feel very deeply a huge disenchantment with being alive. Most of the time my meds help me from self harming, but they never remove the overwhelming anomie which has been my constant companion over about 35 years.

my kids and my dogs and my chooks keep me here. But the overwhelming loneliness is never relieved. Even though the conversations are almost always with me... On the times I'm low the conversations don't remind me of my desires but of my failings. My dogs seem to be able to tell the conversations are getting nasty;at these times the pack (more dogs than kids) hovers very close to me, they seem to know I'm not myself. These are the times when I am unable to use my somewhat morbid sense of humour. I tend to protect myself with a self deprecating, apparently 'wicked' sense of humour. (I've just noted, reading back over some of my comments here that it's still there, even when I thought it was buried)

i usually feel intensely lonely. My children's dad lives closeby, which is good for the kids, but not so good for me. He also has MI, and after around 20 years, it became too toxic for me. I'd love to find love, but I'm a realist: I don't often meet blokes who can deal with the whole package... People who work with the family, colleagues, people I generally come into contact with tell me I'm doing a great job with all I deal with: significantly, parenting 3 high needs kids who each have a range of extreme and challenging behaviours. If they think I'm so terrific... "inspiring" comes up a lot... Why don't they become friends. I wonder, do I send out lots of 'do not approach' messages? Do I miss the cues? I really don't know, but since my schooldays where I was surrounded by lots of similarly alienated goth and 'alternative' friends, I've never had much success in the becoming friends department. My parents blamed my "intellectualism"; I grew up in a wealthy but steadfastly anti intellectual family. I now know that in fact my Aspergers was to 'blame'. They also accused me of being bossy. I've actually never understood that one - although not being a 'permissive' parent, I do like behavioural rules and boundaries, my kids do say, "she's going all alpha mum on us" when I put my foot down. Middlie has famously described me as only ever yelling at them on two occasions. I don't think the bossy label really applies.... I guess I've never really known why some people seem to have a circle of friends and associates. And I've never had that. I think I'm friendly enough. I'm generous in many ways - although given I'm full time caring person on carers pension - that doesn't include financial. Money is a real struggle, but with my health and my kids needs, I just don't have time or energy to re enter the workforce. 



Where was i? Off in cloud cuckoo land... I had actually only meant to write a brief but heartfelt THANK YOU especially to @PeppiPatty, @Former-Member, @MoonGal@Appleblossom and @kristin for listening (reading) and responding. I usually dread the contents of my in box. Today, with messages from you people, and your responses to my rambling, it has been a way of feeling a lot less crap. Thank you.

Tomorrow is going to be a lot less crap. I do try to use positive affirmations (and yoga, and meditation, and weight training, and listening to (predominantly) analogue [vinyl] music) and I read. A lot. Just started The Brain That Changes Itself... Recently read Elizabeth Wertzel's memoir " (prohibited name of happy pill) Nation". She gets 'it'. Also just finished Scar Tissue by Anthony Keidis, from RedHotChiliPeppers; I'd rather have my depression than his addictions. I don't have any addictions, even though as a young person I've tried and I'm even letting go of many of my not quite OCD rituals.  Still a long way to go, but thank you forum folks for giving me the airtime,. Until later, Roger, Over and Out