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phams program

Good Evening,

my case manager has set up a assesment with my local phams program and if lm succseful it will mean l will have a psychologist, case manager and a phams worker and am feeling absolutely blessed with the possibility of having such wonderful support. im wondering if anyone has had a positive experience with the phams program? 


Re: phams program

Hi @Bobby2015,

I have had a very good experience with the Phams program since I started it about two to three months ago. I have a bipolar diagnosis and my major problem over recent years has been a strong tendency to stay inside and not leave the flat for long periods of time. I started getting myself out more for (mostly solo) walks before Phams. But, since Phams started, this has expanded to include a weekly 'real life' support group, other group activities, and weekly meetings with my Phams worker to talk over how I've been and discuss how things are progressing. There will be more activities introduced as time goes by. The increased social contact is improving mood and outlook overall and it is just a very good support to have someone to help me with progress weekly. I love that this is likely to continue for this year at least. I already had a psychiatrist and a psychologist in place before Phams and I consider my ongoing participation here on the forum as a part of my mental health support net too. Like you, I feel very blessed with the mental health support I am receiving at this time. Hope things turn out very well for you.

Not applicable

Re: phams program

Hi @Bobby2015

Just wondering how things have been going since your last post? Did you end up joing the PHaMs program?

Re: phams program

Acacia, unfortunately no. A few things happened and my bpd got the better of me and the agency said till l get better they dont want to help me, so now there is no agency who is willing to help.