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Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@ArraDreaming used to be vegan for a couple years but stopped about 2 years ago so maybe I spoke about it back then? I did a lot of branching out in that time to get creative so stuff like felafel became staples for me!

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hmm maybe @Jynx
Pizzas a treat
Not bad not bad for a budget meal

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@Jynx how are you with reading slabs of text
I was thinking about this today and adhd

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@ArraDreaming yeah definitely a common experience, like when your eyes are going across the page but your brain is very much elsewhere 😅


I think it depends a bit on what I'm trying to read, plus all the other factors that will alter the dopamine levels in my brain (food, sleep, meds, etc). If it's something really cool like an article about dinosaurs or something I can usually stay pretty focused, but if I have to read like... oh like when we have a new policy at work we have to sign, and it's all super formal language and stuff, those take me ages to slog through.

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Yeah same here @Jynx if it’s an area of interest I can get through it although might take me a bit all other things I find hard

I hope it’s ok to ask feel free to not answer
Are you medicated for adhd

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@Oaktree @Jynx @ArraDreaming 


Phew big day! Bike shop for my kids tricycle parts then off to grab the goats! 


They settled in nicely so far! Let's see how their first night goes.


The dogs already successfully attempted to herd them XD 


 their names are lulu and lavender :3

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Oh what so cute @Toast89 😍 You just got them today? Amazing! What inspired you to get goats?

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Love your photos @Toast89 😊


Hello @Jynx , @ArraDreaming , @Oaktree , @MJG017 , @Glisten , @tyme 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hiya @Shaz51 how are you?

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Oh @ArraDreaming re what we were talking about earlier about reading - totally forgot I had this saved lol

