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Casual Contributor

Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?

I am on borrowed time.  Every experience I have had in my life has brought me to this moment.  

Justice and equality is my cause, and it's a cause I am willing to die for.  In fact my soul has been dying for many years and the only thing that's keeping me alive is that I do not want my son's to have to bear the cross for my suicide.  
I do not want the suffering I have endured at the hands of those considered more credible than me to define my life, for they represent the Ego, power and superiority, and its at the expense of my integrity, and the truth.
For the past 12 months I have been victimised by the Family Court, ultimately because a vindictive woman wants to get even.  Because of her claims, and without evidence I have lost my rights as a parent to a corrupt 'injustice' system that confuses qualification and wealth with credibility and integrity.
I have done everything I can to get a fair hearing.  Ive made complaints to the appropriate authorities, made 100s of calls and spoken to 1000s of people.  It has all led to a dead end, buck passing,  or contributed to my demise.  
I have been talking to people in the system who (unbeknown to me) have collaborated to ensure my voice is not heard.  
I am nearly 50yo, and expressing my truth and standing up for my rights and the rights of the oppressed is taking its toll, and I do not know how much longer I can fight for.  I'm sooooo tired.
I do not want my life of suffering to be in vain, and I want my family to know who I really am.  
I am NOT the labels that have been attached to me.  I am NOT a failure.  I am a burden to society.  I am a social misfit and there is no place for me here.  
I have an opportunity to expose this corruption and oppression but cannot do it alone.  And right now, I stand alone.  
I would like to make contact with leaders committed to Human Rights to request permission for my court case to be recorded and publicly available.  I will be representing myself with the odds stacked clearly against me.
The things I have in my favour are the Truth, and a pure heart.  I also have an abundance of evidence that proves what I am being accused of is far from the truth.  Unfortunately without an alternative  forum I don't stand a chance, and my life will have been in vain.  
My case and my life optimises the discrimination and exploitation at the hands of those in positions of power, and choosing to abuse it.  My case exposes how the 'system' has exploited my vulnerability and redefined who I am to serve its own purpose.  This is at the expense of the Greater Good.  I am simply a commodity with no worth or value.
My personal history according to public records is not flattering.  It is also not true in the context of who I really am.  This family court case further demonetises me.  The demoralisation is an unbearable assault on my character.  
I feel like a rebellious peasant who has offended the Lady of the Manor, and have been dragged into a courtroom full of Lords, where "Her Lady's" word alone (due to her economic status) is enough for the court to diminish my parental rights and assume responsibility to decide what is in the best interests of my son. 
Now I have no rights and no control over what happens to my son.  There is NO ONE on this planet who knows more about what is best for my son than I do.  And NO ONE on this planet has his best interests at heart more than I do.
Please support me to leave a legacy that my son's, my family and my loved ones can be proud of.  
My records are based on a combination of Ego, ignorance, arrogance, lies and the self serving interests of others. 
My naivety was also my enemy. I want to set the record straight. I need to set the record straight.  
In doing so I can expose the culture of our Government and enforce accountability. In their superior positions those who have crossed my path have underestimated me and do not realise that in their arrogance, have provided me with an armoury of evidence to support my case and bring this "Justice System" to its knees.  
Dramatic reform in our Justice and Government need to change radically. If those in Government want the power to over ride what is in the best interests of our people, then they need to be ACCOUNTABLE for the consequences.  
Anyone who has challenged those in positions of power very often does so at their peril, and you question your faith because it's unjust for people entrusted to assist and protect our vulnerable are clueless.  
I listen to the 'theatrics' that go on in Parliamentary question time and it's an embarrassment. If I behaved in court like that I would be given a hefty fine, a detrimental conviction and risk giving a vicious woman more credibility, and more power.  
It makes a mockery of the Australian public, when our Leaders and Role Models engage in shit slinging, humiliation, demoralisation and bullying, disrespectful, petty, and spend hours carrying on like this for what result?  It has to STOP.  No one should be oppressed in our country.  A quote to consider... 
"Before you accept a diagnosis of Depression or Low Self Esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by Ass%$es"
I no longer have any respect for the Australian Government and the hierarchy of corruption that compromises the Greater Good of the Citizens of Australia and Oppresses Humanity by using an academic model of systems and qualifications to validate its worth.  They assume 'right of passage' and no further explanation is required... No Accountability!
I pray that this letter crosses the paths of the right people, and gains the momentum I need in order to get a fair trial, and be a voice for those who identify with my story. 
I began this letter stating I am on borrowed time.  I am so very tired of challenging and fighting qualified ego's in order to have a voice.  I can no longer bear to go on as a witness to the silencing of the oppressed in our country.  My energy is very low and the light from my soul is being smothered by this systemic madness.  
I am prepared to die for truth and freedom to prevail, and my life is on the line.  If my voice carry's no weight and continues to fall on deaf ears while I'm alive, then maybe I can be the voice of the people whose souls are touched by my story in death.  
It's my souls purpose and a cause I will die for.  And with my dying breath I will speak my truth.
The person reading this has a choice. You can file this letter.  You can destroy it, or you can pass it on and do all that is within your power to give me the collaborative voice I need in order to speak on behalf of anyone who is moved by my story, which represents in essence, the story of the oppressed. There is to much unnecessary suffering because of the choices of ignorant authorities.  
In this moment my current circumstances have the potential to hold the oppressors accountable.  
That moment will pass when my court case is over.  A trial date has not been set, however I have been ordered to be at the Family Court on the 12th June 2015 with my 15yo son, who will be assessed by a Family Court Consultant.  
To date my dealings with the Family Court Consultant's Unit have misrepresented me, and their behaviour has invariably been insulting and unethical.  This also extends to the Attorney Generals Office and the dismissive manner in which they have dealt with my complaint.
All I am asking is for my day in court to be recorded, unedited and circulated without censorship for public viewing so it can be used as a factual example and set a precedent that enforces accountability and consequences when their decisions are detrimental and unjust.
Please help me to tell my truth and request accountability for the decisions made by those associated with the Family Court and our mediocre Government Officials.
With Love and Respect
Free the Oppressed




Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?



My heart and thoughts are with you FreetheOpressed, I'm the father of 2 wonderful kids and I just can't imagine my life in your situation.

I would love to be able to offer you more however I'm just another doing my best to get along and jump all of the bureaucratic hoops.

It does sound like you have exhausted all avenues, the only one that came to mind is


I truly wish you all the best


Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?

Hi @FreetheOpressed,

Welcome to the Forums and thank you for sharing your story. This is a great place to find support and share your journey with others.

I can't imagine how it must feel to have all these things impacting on your relationship with your sons. It sounds like you're really trying hard to find justice for your family.

As @WombatBoots says, it can be pretty hard to jump through all these bureaucratic hoops to try and do the best for ourselves and our families.

The Mens' Rights Agency looks like a great resource. Thanks @WombatBoots! I also came across these two organisations:

I haven't been involved with them, but it looks like they might be a good resource and perhaps a good place to connect with other people in a similar situation to you.

Thank you again for sharing your story. The Forums are a place to exchange stories and give and receive support. While we can't offer you legal advice or advocate on your behalf, there are other members who have been through difficult family situations, so I hope you find some support here. You might want to check out our Community Guidelines to get a good understanding of what the Forums are about.

And again, welcome!




Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?



Acacia got it .... Dads in Distress is the one I was trying to think of, I have heard good things




all the best mate

Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?

Hey Wombatboots,

Thank you for your feedback.  It's really nice to know people are interested, and care enough to take the time to respond.  I'm humbled.  I also recieved a the names of the services you thought may be ablt to assist.  They are specifically for men though are they.  It's possibly because this Family court witchunt was instigated by a "vindictive woman" which I mentioned in my story.  I've been extremely naieve and trusted the process and justice system to base their decisions on the evidence. I'm not academic either so when it comes to writing Case Information Affidavits and court processes puts me behind the 8 ball from the get-go.  Up against an academically qualified school teacher and mental health worker.  She also knows how to 'play the game'.  In fact I'd call her a Master when it comes to that.  I made a fatal mistake early in the court process, The court ordered a case assessment conference.  Felt more like a child protection interrogation and everything I said fell on deaf ears. I am no match for the "picture perfect sweet talking catholic matyr". I don't look so pretty coming from the University of Hard Knocks, and not one to keep up with the Jones's or conform to outdated 17th century culture of conformity.  

The first fatal mistake I made was to make a formal complaint about the consultant's conduct, and my certainty that would be reflected in her report (which it was).  I expected that to be handled professionally, a meeting with her & her supervisor and an outcome that addressed my concerns.  Not to be, but has led to a snowball of associated court staff & legal professionals my complaint has backfired and all backing each other up.  It's bullshit.  I'm stressed at the moment because I had to go another round with another consultant from the same unit. I've been assured there is no conflict of interest even though he is a colleague.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but when he called to clarify a few things his manner was very different.  It's really doing my head in on so many levels.  

Sorry Wombat.  Didn't mean to ramble, but as you can see I remain consumed.  I think I'll call the Human Rights Commission tomorrow and see if I can get appropiate support.  If that doesn't help I'll call COPMI and see if they can link me in with a legal or advocacy service.  

I haven't had time to explore the Sane Forums yet.  I look forward to it though, and getting to know like minded people where there is mutual support.  

Thanks for taking the time with me Wombat.  Very much appreciated 🙂

Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?

Please @FreetheOpressed I hope you are ok.

You might relate to some of what I have written about being triggered by a Brene Brown video.

I also had many thoughts about taking my life in the court jurisdiction to communicate my frustration at the injustice I experienced.  I was used to get custody of one child, which then apparently caused me to lose rights to my own biological children.


Family Courts and magistrates do need to know some long term consequences of their judgements. The legal process does not always give that to them

Re: Since when did a person's Socio economic status equate to their level of Integrity?

I am on this forum partly to get support for me and partly to give support and tell my dad's story who died when I was 11. I spent my life trying to find his story. Dad didnt suicide but died of pleurisy but there were lots going on in late 60s that was similar to your case, which backed him in a corner and wrecked his physical health. My brother next in line started the process of research, but sadly did not make it through to see the photos I got of dad from the 1930s or to see as many pieces of our family jigsaw that I have been privliged to put together..


Your son will always benefit from having a living dad. I have curled up in my fathers grave to get comfort.