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Hi everbody

First up well done to the ABC for another opportunity to create mental health awareness which i will come back to shortly after a little bit about myself.I was diagnosed with biploar disorder back in november 2011 but experienced the ups and downs that comes with bipolar manys years before hand but once i accepted my illness and became aware that recovery is a life long journey not a destination i regained some control and started to learn what it takes to manage it become friends with it and have quality of life. A very good peer support worker of mine made a statement that if you take the I out of illness and replace it with WE you get wellness and thats what it all about knowing who your friends and loved ones are taking responsibility that they to are affected when you are unwell not isolating yourself maintaining relationships.This can only be done through talking about it bring back humanity saying hello to your neighbour......and be kind to yourself you are actually doing the best you can.


Re: Recovery

Welcome, @Polarshift. I too have a bipolar diagnosis since 2008. Like you, the symptoms have been around for a lot longer than that (I'm now in my 50s). These days I struggle mostly with the depression end of the spectrum and tend to isolate myself a lot still. Thanks for your positive insights on illness, wellness, the journey and the humanity in us all.

Re: Recovery


Please Please if you can try reconnect with a community based club or service with liked mined people and experiences it will help you feel better because those choices create resilience and who knows what new experience you will gain they all add up...And never beat yourself up you actually doing the best you can you have come this far


Take care


Polar Shift

Senior Contributor

Re: Recovery

Polar Shift.... Greetings 🎭

Have you concidered getting a companion dog it will get you out walking you could join a dog club perhaps....or a meditation group....
I was t diagnosed with BP till my early 50s
They say on average it takes 10 years to be properly diagnosed if you have this condition....I'm most 62 now
Don't forget the" creativity " That BP brings ...see my other posts for more ideas
AlienBP2 ( im on a BP high at the moment .... Try to send some positive energy
your way.....

Re: Recovery

Hi @Polarshift - welcome, I too am pretty new to the forums and glad to have found this community. Diagnosed Bipolar last year (in my early 50's) but once the diagnoses was made made SO much sense of the rest of my life. 

I love the saying "take the I out of illness and replace it with WE you get wellness" had not ever heard that before you mentioned it, that's a great saying. Community and belonging is really important for everyone. A wise woman once said to me "To have friends, you need to be a friend" that reminds me of the 'we' in we-llness too. 

Nice to meet you. Smiley Happy


Hi as well to @Mazarita & @Polarshift 
@AlienBP2 (who I have already chatted with today)