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25 Nov 2014 05:28 PM
25 Nov 2014 05:28 PM
Hey @Neb
Suicidal thoughts are scary, but they are thoughts which you don’t have to act on. The feelings of ‘life being a burden’ and being a ‘waste of space’ are really overwhelming.
If you’re still feeling this way, it’s really important to reach out for help now. I can see that you live in New Zealand. Some numbers you may find helpful that are located in NZ are;
Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland
Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Healthline – 0800 611 116
Samaritans – 0800 726 666 (for callers from the Lower North Island, Christchurch and West Coast) or 0800 211 211 or (04) 473 9739 For callers from all other regions
I’m assuming you are linked in to a health care professional, as you referred to medication. Have you got another appointment planned? It’s horrible feeling this way, but seeing your professional and letting them know what your experiencing would be beneficial.
If you’re still feeling this way, are you able to access one of the supports that I mentioned above, or a friend/family member, now? I just want to make sure that you are safe.
I also noticed in your thread how self aware you are & know things can get better - which is great. It means that you have control of the situation.
I hope things are looking up for you today.
25 Nov 2014 06:46 PM
25 Nov 2014 06:46 PM
Hey Loopy,
I've been checking out that link you put up for the NCBI. It's going to take me a while to get my head around it all but it's some fascinating reading.
Did you perchance see the Sunday Night program on Channel 7 on the 16th and 23rd of this month? It was a really well researched topic by Melissa Doyle on PTSD in the NSW Police but has pretty much gone viral and now encompasses police from all over the country.
27 Nov 2014 06:53 PM
27 Nov 2014 06:53 PM
27 Nov 2014 10:11 PM
27 Nov 2014 10:11 PM
Dear @Neb ,
So glad to have givine you a laugh. Sounds like you really need it.
Please take care and this phase too will pass. We care about you, and I'm sure that we are not the only ones who would miss you. You are NOT a waste of space. I know that feeling but it's an internal hatchet job. Don't listen to it, pretend you have a steel door in your mind and slam it shut every time there is even an inkling of that thinking. This too till pass, intense and excruciating as it is.
28 Nov 2014 06:01 AM
28 Nov 2014 06:01 AM
29 Nov 2014 05:32 PM
29 Nov 2014 05:32 PM
13 Dec 2014 01:58 PM
13 Dec 2014 01:58 PM
Hey @Loopy
I read about a NSW officer w.PTSD today and thought you may be interested (or maybe it will be triggering, so be warned!) in this article.
At least others are speaking out about it more, and some papers are reporting it well and fairly rather than in horrible stigmatising ways.
Take care my friend.
Kind regards,
13 Dec 2014 06:00 PM
13 Dec 2014 06:00 PM
Kristin, thank you for that article well written up by the reporter and is spot on. I no longer need triggers it is with me 24/7 and it makes up it's own mind when to rear it's ugly head and medicated or not it still gets through.
regards loopy.
13 Jan 2015 09:21 AM
13 Jan 2015 09:21 AM
Hi @Cazzie
I hope you are well. Long time no-hear.
I missed this back in November - it looks interesting. Can you put a link up by any chance? I can't find it on Google but maybe I'm not searching on the right words. If you happen to find it I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Kind regards,
13 Jan 2015 09:41 AM
13 Jan 2015 09:41 AM
Hey @Alessandra1992
I have just got around to Googling Will Hall. Reading his recovery journey is both devastating and incrediblt inspiring. ***Trigger warning!!!*** for those inclined to read it.
I hope you are having a lovely holiday - we miss your compassion and ready wit! Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
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