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Re: New Age Endeavours

Some crystals don't do too well with sunlight @Oaktree its good you brought them in. How are you going with your new moon wishes? I've just about manifested everything I wanted. We have a new moon in Aries soon.  I will put up what to wish for in Aries. Aries rules the head so focussing more on brainpower this new moon. Want to grow my brain!  Its been great so far. Have gained more traction in life.


I hope you are doing well. Was going to get out and do some gardening today. Have noticed if I pull weeds after a full moon phase the weeds hardly grow back. I wonder if theres a free Farmers Almanac for Australia with gardening by the moon? Its a moon in Libra today so its good to remove wilted leaves, dead shoots and weeds. I usually don't water when moon is in Libra and try and give my garden some rest.


Airing the home is also good under a moon in Libra as Libra is ruled by the air so it offers a more wholesome effect. So have had the door open. May put my air filters on today 


Just checked tomorrow Wednesday the 27th - Venus is semisextile Chiron, a good day for a health and beauty treat. I might give myself a vodka skin scrub like they do at health spas. Gotta use up my Aldi vodka its the only thing I use it for! lol Might give my feet a soak tomorrow and do a hair mask again like you suggested using eggwhite and oil!

Re: New Age Endeavours

Funny you mention a hair treatment. Apparently that’s a good thing to do under a full moon for hair strength. I googled it yesterday because I wanted to know when to cut hubby’s hair for slow growth. Never did work that out @SmilingGecko 

Re: New Age Endeavours

Mercury retrograde 2024 begins on April 2 marking the second of four Mercury retrograde cycles of the year.
Almost all the major planets have regularly-occurring retrograde periods in astrology, during which they appear to move backward on their usual course and ask us to slow down and reflect in the areas of our lives ruled by the planets that are going retrograde.
But the most talked-about of all the retrogrades are Mercury retrograde periods, and these frustrating transits happen three times each year for about three weeks a time. They're known for causing all sorts of snags in communication, scheduling, tech devices, and beyond.
The reason why Mercury's backspins often feel like the most chaotic retrograde of them all is likely because they happen more frequently than other planetary retrogrades and because the planet Mercury in astrology rules over so many day-to-day facets of our lives, including thinking, timing, traveling, communicating, and sharing information.
That said, when its energy goes into reflect/refine/review-mode during a retrograde and these elements aren't running smoothly, it can make for a frustrating experience in your life.
When Mercury retrogrades we'll have to deal with extra confusion in matters of communication and thinking. However, it also gives us an opportunity to press reset on the way we think and interact with one another, teaching us to be more thoughtful with our words and more intentional within both personal partnerships and our community relations.
Mercury will be in impulsive fire sign Aries so there is the propensity for speaking before thinking and blurting out things without giving it due consideration
Take precautions for Mercury retrograde, such as using these crystals in your crystal medicine mojo bag:
Clear Quartz: Conversion and redirection of energy towards a beneficial state providing a naturally balanced and solid state energy field. Aligns the person with the energies of the universe
Labradorite: For traversing changes, inner clarity instilling peace and unperturbility via annihilation of disturbing thought.It enhances patience
Black Tourmaline: Grounding and protection
Hematite: A stone for the mind and for mental clarity and dexterity
Fluorite: Brings a calm stable frequency that brings order to chaos and scattered/discordant energy into cohesion and harmony
Amazonite: Calm inner serenity

Blue Lace Agate: allows you to harmonize your thoughts and words. This crystal helps you speak consciously and guide confused conversations to clarity




Re: New Age Endeavours

Thanks for the info about Mercury retrograde @SmilingGecko 

I will try and be more aware of not just blurting out what I am thinking.


Not applicable

Re: New Age Endeavours

Thanks heaps @SmilingGecko 🙂💜🌺

Re: New Age Endeavours

Hey @Oaktree here is some more information about thinking before you speak with the upcoming mercury retrograde. Mercury is technically what is called "in shadow" so the effects have faintly started to move in allready.  I saw this online just a moment ago ❤️


"It’s the very first retrograde of the year, happening in the very first sign of the zodiac, at the very start of a new month. It’s no mistake that this retrograde begins on April Fool’s Day. Thus, Mercury, as the cosmic Trickster Archetype, is now being given even more energetic permission to wreak celestial chaos. Yet, there are many precious lessons to be learnt, as is always the case with any retrograde.


This triple-whammy of firsts symbolically indicates that it’s time to gracefully allow new beginnings to happen without needing to impatiently force our will onto a situation. Forbearance and self-restraint are virtues to work towards during what could feel like a trying cosmic period. Cultivating these qualities will help us to emerge from retrograde on April 25th with greater wisdom, more patience and a deeper understanding of which priorities are truly important to us.


Granted, this may be easier said than done. Aries, as the Archetype of the Warrior(ess), is known to move forward without a hint of hesitation. This is the quintessential  ‘shoot first, think later’ sign. Waiting and allowing goes against their natural inclinations.


Nonetheless, with a powerful Total Solar Eclipse - AKA a supercharged New Moon - unfolding on the 8th, it’s necessary to allow the Universe to take the wheel. Eclipses have their own way of shifting stagnant energy, so that even if we’re dancing in the mud of retrograde-like doubt, things will still move of their own accord. The cosmic advice here is to release our attachment to putting ourselves in the center of the action, to let go of the desire to blaze a trail. Instead, we’re asked to lean into the Universal energy and trust that the new chapters ahead of us will unfold just as they should without us needing to interfere too much.


Honesty, forthrightness and cutting to the chase may also be some of the themes to expect during this retrograde. Nevertheless, as direct and straight-shooting as Mercury in Aries is, it’s important to color our words with kindness, to be aware of when we might be coming across as aggressive or even defensive. Non-Violent Communication is an excellent Mercury retrograde in Aries tool, especially seeing as Mercury joins the Wounded healer, Chiron, thrice, on March 20th, April 15th and finally on May 6th.


With these three conjunctions, we may initially speak from our most wounded places, our most hurt places. With that said, there’s powerful medicine in speaking our truth, when we speak it with consciousness and pure intent. When we recklessly and impulsively say a thing without thinking it through, that's when we create rifts and burn our bridges. A useful practice would be to ask ourselves - ‘Is this useful? Is it harmful? What response am I looking for by saying this?’. Curious, gentle self inquiry takes the sting out of retrograde Mercury in Aries and offers the healing balm that Chiron is so renowned for." [End Quote]

Re: New Age Endeavours

Just posting here so I can find my meditation music on page 1 of this thread quickly. I need it right now

Re: New Age Endeavours

Hello everyone! 🙂 
Karen Moregold the iconic Australian astrologer with her long signature golden hair has put out her hair cutting dates for winter. I cut my hair on these dates to make it grow back thicker and healthier. Going by her hair she always looked amazing. I have started doing it this year for the past few months.  I keep my hair short so its easy to maintain often with a DIY haircut using what is called a Crea-Clip off ebay.  I may go back to the hairdesser next month to neaten up my attempts at a straight haircut. I put these dates in my diary. Here is the e-mail she sent people ❤️
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 9.23.50 am.png



Re: New Age Endeavours

Hello Peoples,


@Oaktree @Glisten @Josie72 @Hopefulsoul @Appleblossom @saturnzoon @PinkFlamingo


Here are the barren moon dates for waxing and shaving for winter courtesy of Karen Moregold, Australian astrologer


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Re: New Age Endeavours



@Oaktree @Former-Member @Glisten @Josie72 @Hopefulsoul @Kyle1 


We have another new moon tomorrow the 6th June 2024. It falls under the sign of Gemini. Here is how to get your new moon wishes happening and what to wish for. The new moon gives it more thrust than just doing standard manifestations practices. I usually do it many hours after the new moon so the ether is fertile for planting new wishes. When it falls under a certain sign it gives it extra power. So the things your manifest under that sign are more likely to manifest 


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