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Re: My Story

Hi there @Misty-Mirrors

I'm a teacher 🙂 but not working this year, just trying to make it through some stuff in life and try to be a good mama. sigh!

hope you are ok and enjoying the forums,



Re: My Story

I am mostly IrishOz, Dutch with some German.

My main craving when pregnant was apples .. maybe I hope I am late bloomer ..

I am confused about how many children I have .. long story .. some of it on this site.

I was involved in music ministry for a long time but backing off because of the Royal Commission and Ballarat hearings.

Also interested in theology and liturgy through cultural and social science perspectives.

Not dogmatic or judgemental .. dont believe that is GOOD for me or others.

Really enjoying singing sacred music in a French program at the moment .. Poulenc's Stabat Mater, Durufle  etc

What are your preferred writers?

Re: My Story

Hello Lisajane.
How many children do you have?
What did you last teach?
The only work I do at the moment is 3 hours of reception in a radiostation. It is voluntary.

Hello Appleblossom.
What are the Ballarat hearings? I didn't hear about that. I could only sing as a child before my voice broke. I didn't learn to sing in tune since then.
I don't have a favourite writer. I read very few novels and poetry in the last 50 yesrs. I read a lot of self-help books. But I am phasing that out. I listen to relaxation CDs, an releasing anxiety app and a mindfulness app.

Re: My Story

Hi @Misty-Mirrors

I used to read mainly selfhelp books too but not for a while. Now I read literature, theology, science anything really.

The hearings regarding the coverups of sexual abuse in the catholic church.  I a member of both the church and a victim group ... tricky position as usual hmmmm. It has been on in the news and is important to me but i forget how easy it is to let news items slip by if they dont relate or grab interest.

Re: My Story

Hello Appleblossom.
I studied science at university. I am very much out of date. I have read a few Scientific American magazines lately.
As far as pedephilia is concerned, there are evil persons in every organization. But I have trouble forgiving the Catholic church covering it up. I also think that victims should have been compensated voluntarily instead of having to consult laeyers. I think that our former archbishop (in Sydney) went to the Vatican to escape persecution. Possibly for cover ups. It makes faith in priests and bishops very difficult.
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Re: My Story

Hi @Misty-Mirrors

I have two kids a girl and a boy, 4 and 6 yrs old. 🙂 I was a primary school teacher and head of maths last year but i've worked through high school as well. i've just been offered a short stint as a kindy director though, holy moly lol not sure im ready for that..but will see!


Re: My Story

Wow ..Thats quite a range of skills needed to field head of math and kindy ... @Former-Member .. the more I get to know about you the more I am glad you stuck to your guns re court case


@Misty-MirrorsI did a mix science and humanities and am out of date in some things (technology) but noticing that the mainstream is only just catching up with me in other things .. eg (geology, climate change). I also go back to study periodically.


Thanks for sharing about your attitude re RC Church leadership.  My mother belonged to Pell's cult which is quite separate from what I believe the church could and should be.



Re: My Story

Hello Lisajane.
It sounds like you have a successful career. You resr children as well. I don't have any children. I got on badly with people. I couldn't make friends. I am much better at it now. Many free women st my age are damaged. I am damaged also. 😞

Hello Appleblossom.
You seem to be an "all-rounder" - a prrson with many giifts. I hope I have spelt "all'rounder" properly. English is not my first language.
I will make sn effort to keep up to date with science - as much as that is possible at my level.

Yes, I have heard some horrific stories about priests. I think that some evil people join the priesthood not because they want to be spiritual guides because they will be put in a position of trust. And that as young men they set out to take advantage of that trust@ It makes going to church difficult.

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Re: My Story

Hi Misty Mirrors,

unfortunately im not sure where my career is at these days. I've now been told that I can't do the kindy work as if i do i will lose my appeal to legal aid for help. and my education dept is not helping much with finding work for next year in my new location so I am unsure where I am at with everything.. it will work out eventually though i suppose.

What do you like to paint (as in subjects? landscapes or people etc?)


Re: My Story

All rounder sounds good.

Yes what do you paint?

What is your first language?

I dont speak another language apart from English though I was interested in them when I was young I just didnt get chance to develop fluency.