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Re: My Place

Hey @Dimity @Oaktree @ArraDreaming @Snuggles @Till23 @MJG017 


How are you all?

Re: My Place

Hi @tyme I'm still taking things slowly but improving thanks. Hope our SE Queensland and Northern NSW friends stay safe. 

Glad @Shaz51 should be safe this time.


@Oaktree are your assessments written or online? I'm out of touch with how coursework works these days.

Re: My Place

Hi @Till23 


I really hope we were able to give Hopeandlove a true sense of belonging. Things could have turned out very differently, though. If they hadn’t had that telehealth appointment that day, I fear they might have died alone at home.  That was Hopeandlove's fear.


I hope you continue to stay strong in both mind and body as you grow older, and hopefully, the aged care system will keep improving. Coping with trauma is tough, I find that my autism makes navigating life incredibly challenging, and adding hypersensitivity, OCD and paranoia on top of that often leaves me exhausted.


Take care, and thanks for the chat. I look forward to talking again once my emotions have settled a bit.


Snuggles 🥰

Re: My Place

Very true @Dimity , Praying our QLD, NSW friends are safe.

Re: My Place

Hi @tyme 


Been ok here. Just taking things one day at a time. Broke up with my psychologist yesterday. Decided that now isn’t a good time because of Tafe. Going back to her after Tafe ends.

Re: My Place


I'm doing okay.  There's a guy who joined my support group recently who was really struggling mentally with his diagnosis, and life in general i suppose.  Going through the stress of being told you have cancer while being completely alone is so difficult.  So i've been keeping in contact with him and chatting to him.  It's hard, because he has a lot of social anxiety.  So he doesn't like to leave the house, or chat on the phone.  I think he'd get a lot from coming to the next meeting and even just listening to the other guys.  I've got a maybe, but I don't think he will go next week.  He had a really bad time last night and had to call Lifeline so I've just been trying to make sure he's safe and knows what to do if it gets close to that bad again.  It's just a bit draining.

Re: My Place

But remember you can't pour from an empty cup. @MJG017 . You have to remember yourself first. I know you have a BIG heart, but it's important to listen to your own needs.


I'm glad you were able to support that other member. It sounds like you get a lot out of doing that.

Re: My Place


I think i just keep going and grabbing a new cup. I feel like the floor around my feet is full of these empty cups.


I've never really given much thought to my own needs.  I mean, apart from how nice it would be to have some of them met, but not so much the actually getting them met.  It's a balancing act that i haven't really figured out yet.

Re: My Place

I'm not going to lie @MJG017 .. I'm sorta the same. I thrive on helping others so that I sometimes forget myself...


Maybe we both need to get more cups?

Re: My Place


Is it a trap that we fall in to?  We find helping others helps us.  When we start to struggle we do what we know works and we try to help more people??  And it just continues in that loop???