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Senior Contributor


Hi after one of my posts in poems someone sugested I say more about chipping away the darkness. 

Well here goes this is going to be an interesting journey. 

From the moment of my accident my world and view of it changed. At the moment of the crash I truly believe that I died I wont go into detail but on the other side of the crash I was surprised to to be there. Alive that is.

For the next 3 months all I had to do was lie there and let things take there course operations injections hospital phycs.Even when they said I would need a wheel chair for a time it didn't phase me my world was taken care of I let myself get instatutionalized.

Then came a really scary day they said they had done all they could I had only just walked for the first time that day. They needed the bed to say I was extremely scared would be the unerstament of all time.

How did I fit into the world I no longer saw myself aspart of I had enough of a time dealing with panic and nightmares now someone though I should step outside.

My solution build a me for others to see while I work on finding me all I had was memory gaps fear and a believe that who I had been had passed . As a child we grow and evole to be who we are but now who wazs I. I felt like a peice of paper shredded and thrown to the wind, I found some bits and started to build

inside a darkness I didn't know what was there . Each day I chip a piece away looking deeper into myself to see what I find somedays its good sometimes I see that bits of me where not that nice at all and dont make any sense but I have to deal with it as it is part of who I was.

Weather I keep it I dont know one day I feel I will have chipped enough away from the darkness inside that my light will shine out and ill see who I am. Till that moment my mask will stay its my protection from the world .

I used to write poetry to release things inside now I write to get back that which is inside.


Community Elder

Re: Masks


I like your visual...'I felt like a piece of paper shredded and thrown to the wind, I found some bits and started to build.'

Would you mind if we borrowed you creative lyrics for our quotes section?

Senior Contributor

Re: Masks

Hi thank yes you can use any of my pros if it helps anyone I'd be happy.