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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me up in the right hand corner (next to the bell) you will find your name. If you click on that it will dropdown the words Profile and Settings. If you click on profile it will take you to your page. On the right hand side of this page there will be any posts that have not been sent but are saved as drafts - you sport post might be there. If not it has gone into the Cyber Universe, never to be seen again (I've had one of those disappear tonight already) Smiley LOL

come and drop in and chat wherever yiou feel comfortable to - you are most welcome to join in discussions or read along as you have been doing Smiley Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hi @Hope4me, it is nice to meet you here in Forum Land. I super love your avatar - it looks super bright and happy. Smiley Very Happy

What sorts of things are you interested in? There are all sorts of social threads here in Forum Land. I don't suppose you are into yoga are you? Somehow we seem to have started a virtual yoga group, which I am super enjoying. Other than that, I tend to float around in the ocean a lot on a thread called "Riding a wave". Oh and then there is Friday Feast. That is the highlight of my week. It generally kicks off around 7pm each Friday...although be warned, it tends to be quite fast paced and that can be a bit brain taxing. However, I know a lot of people enjoy just lurking there, even if they don't post.

Anyway, again, welcome to Forum Land. Smiley Very Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Phoenix_Rising is the Queen of Friday Feast @Hope4me - she really is hard for ANY of us to keep up with (I think she secretly has several computers logged on at the same and multiple posts lol)

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Lovely to meet you @Phoenix_Rising. Friday? It's a date!
Thanks for the info @Zoe7. Have rectified lost post; it's on the sports page as we speak. 🙂

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Zoe7 giggle. I remember how much Friday Feast cooked my brain the first few times I went along. Do you think I'm the brain cooker now? I have wondered if I should slow down a bit. I really don't have multiple computers happening, but when I am feasting I am fully focused on the feast. That is, I'm not doing anything around the house or even going on other threads. Maybe I will try to slow down this week. Hee hee...I think this is the first time in my entire life that I'm thinking about doing something slower - usually I am super frustrated over how slow I am. Smiley LOL

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Seen it @Hope4me replied to it - you got this forum thing sorted now - wtg Smiley Happy

@Phoenix_Rising I thought turtles only had one speed lol apparently when it comes to Friday Feast you are super-charged Smiley LOL love it!!!

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I like giggles and fast paced convo's. I'll see you round the traps @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I look forward to seeing you at Friday Feast @Hope4me. The thread is in the "enjoying time with others" section of Forum Land.

@Zoe7 Actually now that I think about it, I think I might be turbo turtle when it comes to anything to do with food. Smiley LOL

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Ah ha ha ha ha...