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Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

Hi there,

Iv'e been on meds for pschosis and now anti depression but can't seem to beat being tired all the time.  I'm setting my alarm but the motivation is not there.

Does anyone know something thats worked for them.  I even try forcing myself but later i become more tired.  I do see my pschologist on thursday but thought i would ask here anyway.




Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time


I am currently on a typical anti-psychotic med and mood a stabilser and a anti-depressant, I too always feel tired or lethargic alot, the best thing that i have found that helps is routine and sticking to that routine, i take anti psch and anti dep at night, i try and take them at the same time every night, i try and wake up at a reasonable hour to take my mood stabilser, and i try and drink plenty of water and eat meals at the same time.

when i get the routine right for a few days i find myself not struggling as much with being tired, but i also am not real great at keeping it going, so i have to keep starting from scratch

I use my phone to set alarms for reminders like take meds eat etc

hope this might help you with not being so tired

Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

I dont think there is any real answer but to try and stick to a routine.

I volunteer at an animal rescue centre so having dogs and cats rely on me for some love and feeding really motivates me to turn up.

It is very hard for people who do not take antipsychotics to understand that its not being lazy but rather that the medication has side effects that make you tired. Its really a trade off against the real benefits they can give you.

My mood stabilisers dont make me tired but one of the antipsychotics does.  I try to take my medication early so I dont have to sleep so late, but sometimes I do wake up tired even so.

I know when I am depressed I lack the motivation to get going so I try to be as positive as I can. You could also talk to your Dr about whether there an alternate medication which has less sonambulistic side effects.



Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

Thanks kato,

It was great to hear from someone who is on similar meds!

I too have been using my alarm but feeling depressed as I don't often follow through!

I guess the key is persistence. Have doctors appointment tomorrow so will go more in depth with him to.

Thanks again.

Your comments are appreciated kato,

Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

Thanks Kenny!

I see my Dr tomorrow,

Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

Get to bed early. Drink plenty of water. Omega-3 oils may also boost alertness. And they're right, stick to routine.

Re: Does anybody know how to beat being tired most of the time

Hi kato,

My Dr said exactly what you did in regards to being tired. Routine and stick to it - no matter how tough it is so have been doing so the last few days with better results.

Thanks for your feedback!