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Depression and isolation

Hi, I'm new to this site and I have suffered from anxiety and depression for over 30 years. I have been treated for these conditions, had about 3 hospital stays and I'm currently doing a depression course but life gets really tough sometimes and when this happens I tend to isolate myself from everyone. I just can't face talking to people when I'm so down and this leads to so much loneliness and it becomes a vicious cycle. People who don't have depression don't understand, they think you are just a snob or anti social, but it's nothing like that. I hate being on this roller coaster ride and just wished I could get off it and land on solid ground. 

I thought joining into discussions with other people who go through the same thing might help so here I am.


Re: Depression and isolation

Hi Purple,

Welcome to the forums, I'm sure that you will find lots of support from other contributors. It sounds like you are doing a great job attending a depression course to help your self through this illness. 

Take care,


Re: Depression and isolation

Hi Purple 

My name is Roo.  I am also going through depression and anxiety, and have been experiencing it over a number of years and pretty much dealing with it alone. I know what you mean about the roller coaster.

I have had persistent low moods for the last 4 -5 weeks and I have things that I have been avoiding and daily things feel too hard. 

To day I am going to a GP and I am hoping for some support.  My husband's advice is to see it as an opportunity.  

I am thinking of you, it is hard to understand at times but we are not alone in this, we need to build strenght from each other. 

Thanks for sharing,


Re: Depression and isolation

Welcome to the forum @Purple

I also want to be able to talk about life and depression when it is a part of it ... today I went to see a movie and sat with a new Carers Group ... I spoke with a philipino lady ... somehow I clicked with her more than the others ... It happens on a preverbal level ... but at least talking online helps things from bottling up.

Lovely post and welcome too @Roo

Re: Depression and isolation

Hi Roo, welcome to the forum and like minded friends. I also have the same issue when I'm depressed, which I've been living with most of my life. My depression is a by product of Complex post traumatic stress disorder. Both of these cause me to withdraw and as you mentioned others can misunderstand and assume you're being unfriendly/ snobby. Sadly I have lost most of my friends as it just gets too hard for them to continually ask you to join and for me to make up excuses. So cudos to you joining the group you have and if I can offer advise, when you're feeling better reach out to people you trust and tell them as much or as little that will let them know you are not being unsociable by choice, you just need some time out or a visit. Most of all be kind to yourself as you know these times do pass and there's enough to deal with aside from being hard on our self. One day at a time. Best wishes to you, 🙂

Re: Depression and isolation

Hello purple welcome abourd the site.<br>I have had "crushing "depression in the past and" full blown "<br>Panic attacks so I do understand.<br>I've been so down in the past Zi just lay on my bed and shut the door on the world outside....<br>These things don't last forever...<br>I found a shower of a morning have a cuppa and then meditate for about 20 mins then go for a 20 to 30 minute walk have breakfast set me up well for the day<br>Don't drink coffee or have Alcohol it will make your condition more extreme.<br>You should see you GP he will most likley prescribe some antidepressants for you...hope this helps