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BPD support Groups

Hi, Has anyone been to a BPD support group anywhere in Australia and if so what was your experience?


Re: BPD support Groups

Hi @BlueButterfly50 

I think your question might have slipped under the radar I'm afraid, as no one has replied. @chemonro @isabella @Ellie have any of you heard of or tried a BPD supoport group?

Kind regards,


Re: BPD support Groups

Thanks @kristin for picking this up!


Sorry @BlueButterfly50 !

Re: BPD support Groups

Sorry BlueButterfly50. Missed this one.

I started attending a newish BPD group in Melbourne central last Feb (2014) and attended every meeting for the rest of last year, although as the meetings are held on the last day of the month, they don't hold one in December for obvious reasons.

The first few were quite informal and although I was a little apprehensive when attending my first meeting (as we quite often are when attending something new) I found it to be a very positive experience. Firstly, I realised that I wasn't alone in my condition. It was only attended by a few, but over the months the numbers have grown. It's now limited to just 18 people, but rarely can 18 people find the time to get there at once, so there's usually a few vacancies.

The meetings were facilitated by a former sufferer of the disorder and one who is passionate about bringing an end to the discrimination typically associated by the label of BPD. Some members suggested that a little more structure be introduced to the meetings and this has now taken place. The fellow who runs "The Shack" (Goggle 'BPD The Shack' and you'll find the site) now facilitates the meetings with the original facilitator looking on from the sidelines and adding comments as required.

I love attending for the very simple reason that there is nothing like this in my area. In fact there's nothing else like it in all of Victoria. I live 130klm West of Melbourne and travel down each month. I also love that we all share a common bond.

Are the meetings worth the long trip? Absolutely, for me at least. Some members seem to come and go, although there's a new rule now that if you miss three consecutive meetings, you have to reapply to get a seat. If you want to find out more or enrole for the meetings go to.......

You'd be made most welcome. Incidentally, I'm not sure another group like this exists anywhere in Australia. Some thought there may be one in Sydney, but I haven't bothered to look into it.

If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know and I do apologise for missing your post. I've had a bit of a tough time the past couple of weeks and haven't been on here as often.

Kind regards,
