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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , thanks for asking - the stove works but is piled high with stuff that I need to clear before I can use it. The GP visit went OK thanks and I now have a script for the Shingles vaccine.


@Dimity wrote:

I didn't really achieve anything today. I zoned out. I don't have any plans yet for the weekend, I'm too foggy.

I'm sorry to hear you were foggy - how are you feeling today? 


I do think it's sometimes good to zone out though. I do it too - I call it a day off. A day off from people, responsibilities, stress. I mostly just read and eat on those days. 


I think I might just potter randomly today - I don't feel 'ruthless' like I need to be for decluttering. But pottering also declutters, but in a gentle way, just the smaller, easier things. I'll see. Today will be unexpectedly sunny so I want to get outside for that. 


I hope you are feeling OK today... 💚

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Pottering randomly sounds good to me @NatureLover . It sounds as though your stove will still be waiting for you when you're up to it.

A day reading and eating would indeed be a day off. Unfortunately I have the attention span of a gnat. I seem to just switch off. I do spend time doomscrolling which is a bad habit. But I'm losing track too much - maybe it's ongoing depression although I'm not feeling as miserable as I did a week or two ago. 

I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. And maybe I'll wake up with more energy and purpose.


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your reply, @Dimity ...I look forward to your replies 🙂


I'm glad you're not feeling as miserable as before. When you say you "switch off", does that mean you're unable to concentrate on things like reading? Is it like dissociation? 


I felt like sorting out/ rearranging my clothes a bit more yesterday, so I did! I did the massive clothes sort out over summer, this was just refining it and making a bit more room. So now the Opp Shop box is full and I need to take it there. I also have a bag of 5 dresses and tops for the local seamstress to adjust. I created 2 extra shelves spare, so I rearranged my clothes into more logical arrangements...I'm pleased.


Thanks for your wishes for work today. I'm sending wishes for you to have more energy and purpose 💚

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done with your clothes @NatureLover . I did some sorting a while back but could do more. Actually I have a fair bit of stuff stashed in the wardrobe that I should go through. 

I didn't get any decluttering done today - it's been several days now. But I did some exercises and later did some weeding, so I feel a little better in myself. 

You're lucky to have a local seamstress. I need one too now that my eyesight isn't so good.

You asked what my blankness was like. I didn't know. I looked again at the Blue Knot website and I think it's like a type of dissociation. It's been worrying me since I became aware of it. Unfortunately I've just come to the end of another mental health care plan so I can't ask my psychologist about it. Whatever it is, I'm not coping very well. 

Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I have to take the cat to the vet for a routine injection, so will wrangle a taxi. 




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover 💕 hoping you have an ok day today 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your message which warmed my heart, @Dimity . Am feeling down which is not helped by the weather - not one speck of sun in the 7 day forecast! 😞 Worried my SAD will really kick in strongly without my therapy light box 😞



@Dimity wrote:

You asked what my blankness was like. I didn't know. I looked again at the Blue Knot website and I think it's like a type of dissociation. It's been worrying me since I became aware of it. ... Whatever it is, I'm notcoping very well. 

Has your trauma resurfaced for you? Is that why the dissociation-like feeling has come on recently /you've become aware of it recently? I'm so sorry you're not coping very well...will send wishes for your coping 💚


@Dimity wrote:

Unfortunately I've just come to the end of another mental health care plan so I can't ask my psychologist about it.

When can you get another MHCP?


I can barely get into the kitchen now, so need to tackle the floor space. Also need to deliver that Opp Shop box and also some Coles /Woollies paper bags to the Opp Shop. I ran out of my cloth grocery bags as they are all still on the floor, full or partly full. I need to wash some today if I can get myself together. It all seems so daunting without sunshine outside. 


Yesterday I went to the dentist, thanks for asking. Today I'm just at home hoping to regain a tiny bit of control over the house. Although I also need to go to the Opp Shop to deliver the stuff...oh dear. 


I hope you have some energy, coping and motivation today...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks @Bow ❤️ ...feeling pretty overwhe,med by the state of the house and the SAD... Am about to pop over to your thread... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It's hard with the grey days @NatureLover but they're beyond our control... sometimes I'm grateful for the changes in weather and the seasons, and a little in awe of them. Did the GP help at all with your skin condition, so you can go back to the light box?

It's good you have a box ready for the opp shop. The grocery bags seem to suggest it's time for a rethink. If you're not unpacking stuff until well past your next shopping trip perhaps you didn't need to buy it right away. These days I keep notepaper and a pen beside the microwave and write down the stuff I notice I'm about to run out of or will use in the next few days. So I no longer impulse buy or overstock on perishables, but still pick up any staples on special. It also means I've been chipping away at what I have in the pantry. It's made a big difference.

Yes, I've had a lot of angst with resurfacing memories and feelings.  Part of it was to do with the decluttering but the additional turmoil of the last couple of months has compounded it. And I'm tired of my social isolation and ineptitude. The clinic told me today I'll have to wait 3 months for another MHCP but my psychologist and I don't think I can wait that long so we've agreed to some private sessions. I'm privileged - my health fund should contribute. 

I'm still not getting much done but managed an hour of chores this evening. 

Good luck for tomorrow - I guess you'll be working. 



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover  Hoping today has a little bit of sunshine in it for you. I’m sorry that things are so overwhelming for you. Truly wish there was some magical way to fix things for you. 💕