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Access to Mental Health Help

HI All,


I know specifics cant be shared but Im just wondering if anyone can tell me a little about access to mental health services that are either cheap or free. I have depression, anxiety, EDNOS and BPD (the previous MH nurse I dealt with believes only traits perhaps not a full diagnosis).

I understand that through a GP I can access 10 sessions with a psychologist through medicare? Is that correct? And thats just in a year - is that correct?

Im just trying to work out what I can and cant afford but at the same time how best to access assistance. 

I am in Tasmania if that makes any difference. I recently removed from Outback NSW. 




Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Mental health services are worse than useless but if you pick and choose you can extract some good from some different services.  if you are having a bad day don't contact the mental health service because they will think it's hysterically funny.  try lifeline (131114).  yes, you can get 10 free visits to the psychologist on medicare but make sure the psychologists understands that you don't need stigma as part of the service (if you can get them to understand, that is).  there is phams and other services (check online) and meds can tend to work, mostly but for sympathetic human contact you are basically going to need lifeline (131114) and contact with other sufferers - all 'normal' people think that we are lesser and when we have a bad day that proves it.  'normal' people are allowed to have bad days but we are not - go figure (ps. that's human nature; we're basically all dull, prejudiced beasts, to an extent).  good luck and god bless.  if my advice is useful, please feel free to request more of it. 🙂

Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Hi @Billamba,

About being referred to a psychologist, my understanding is that you can first of all access 6 sessions with a medicare rebate under a 'Mental Health Care Plan'. Then the GP reviews how things are going and decides on the referral for the remaining 4 sessions. I think in most cases of people with diagnosed mental health issues, there should be no problem with the GP referring for the full 10 sessions. I believe we can get 10 sessions per calendar year on this 'Mental Health Care Plan'. This is how it is currently working for me with my psychologist. Some psychologists charge a 'gap' fee which will vary from one practitioner to the next. Some will bulk bill anyone with a pension or health care card.

I am fortunate because both my psychologist and psychiatrist are bulk billing me. I have always sought out bulk billing doctors because I just have not been able to afford the gaps in most cases. How I've done this is via internet research: doing Google searches on practitioners within travelling distance of where I live, ringing around to see if they are willing to take me on, and finding out if they bulk bill or charge a gap I can afford. I've then asked my GP to refer me to the practitioner of my choice. So far this method has worked out well.

Hoping you have a good outcome in finding some support locally very soon.

Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Hi @Billamba

@Mazarita has done a great job at outlining how the medicare system works.

@Terry - I've seen a fair few of your posts today and I do want to flag that there are many people here that have positive experiences of the mental health system. That's not to say stigma and bad experiences don't happen - but we really need to acknowledge that we all have our own experiences and be careful not to generalise or stigmatise the whole mental health system.

Experiences with MH professionals might not always be smooth sailing, and some people have terrible experiences - and you do have the right to change professionals if you don't click or have a bad experience - but there are good ones out there.

Billamba - depending on your area, there are sometimes some great local community support, which can be helpful in conjunction with other supports. Partners In Recovery is a great place to start. They can look into what community services you might find useful.


Re: Access to Mental Health Help

NikNik, i know that people find it hard to digest what i say but under mental health legislation worldwide people with mental illnesses have fewer rights than criminal offenders and conditions in mental health units are worse than those in jails.  i have been through the mental health system for decades and eventually the experiences with this system get worse and worse until one basically foreswears them.  That's not to say that there is not a way through mental illness and to have a 'normal' and enjoyable life, but the mental health systems of the world do much more harm than good, and all of the research shows this.  i'm very sorry to have to relate this 'heavy' truth but happy to tell you that i have come through it all and hopefully have some advice and support to offer others because of it.  I realise this is a MASSIVELY 'heavy' truth (about the mental health system) but it's important for people to know, and for them to know that there is a way forward.  in middle-age i am fit, happy and healthy and successful albeit my life has been very different to a 'normal' life and i continue to have to live with the mental health system.  i have a free income, a lovely home, NO obligations whatsoever and enjoyable volunteer work.  I go for walks and out to lunch at nice restaurants.  Again, i'm very sorry about this 'heavy' trip but i know also that people should benefit from my wisdom and experience.

Not applicable

Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Hi @Billamba it is great to hear you are looking to set up some support for yourself now that you have moved to Tazzie. It can be a huge adjustment moving interstate, so enlisting some support might help make the transition a little smoother. @Mazarita is spot on with her summary of the mental health care plan through medicare. Can I ask, what type of support did you have set up before your move to Tazzie? Are you looking for something similar, or different? I imagine Tazzie would be quite the change of scene moving all the way from rural NSW 🙂 How have you been settling in so far?


Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Thank you @Mazarita@Terry@NikNik and @Former-Member. 


@Terry - thank you for the phone number and advice. I havent always liked the psychologists I have worked with in the past but I am thankful that I have had quite a good experience with the mental health services I have accessd to date. It is sad to read that you, like others Im sure, have not. I am on medication but I think its keeping me awake at night so Ive become a bit reluctant and non-complient lately. Since moving I havent yet organized a GP (will explain that whole story below).


@Mazarita - once again you are a huge wealth of information and advice! Thank you! I really appreciate you writing out the information about medicare but also ways that have helped you access cheaper mental health services. I shall have a google and see what I can find out locally. Certainly bulkbilling psychologists/psychiatrists is something I never would have thought of.   


@NikNik - I will get onto partners in recovery and see what I can find. Thank you. I will also do some google searches and see if there is any community based stuff around. I feel so out of the loop here, I have no friends and my family is quite difficult at the best of times. 


@Former-Member in NSW I worked with a mental health nurse. (I dont think I can say what organization that was through can I? Anyway its not available in Tasmania - it does operate nationwide but the part I accessed was specially for rural and remote people) This was mainly over the phone but I did see her in person when I could. Our local town was many 100's of kms away. I had worked with her for 3 years - mainly CBT, ACT, mindfullness. She also helped me with the GP find a medication that was suitable. She was amazing with her help and support I was able to stop making myself vomit as a form of punishment. I had done that since I was 11 - over 10 years. Since moving home its happening a bit again which is a real shame. That was just one thing I achieved. There was lots. Thats the one Im most proud of. 

Im not settling in very well. Im currently engaged in a webchat with eheadspace which is healping a little. Things are very hard at home, there is a lot of control issues and to an extent emotional abuse that goes on. I know what I am experiencing is nothing compared to what some do and it kills me to use up support services like eheadspace but tonight I just cant cope anymore. 

I am looking into getting a GP asap - I have a chronic disease so I have to for that in the next 10-20 days so I can have the blood tests I need anyway. Its very hard, if I get into Uni I will be based at the other end of the state so its hard to set up anything if I have to move again in March. Im going to have to just bite the bullet and stop being scared. I have a few ideas of things to say and ask for now though from this thread so that is useful. I have to look at the positives and use them.




Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Dearest @Billamba

Though I unfortunately can sort of agree with @Terry..... I completely agree with @NikNik and @Former-Member and most definately @Former-Member

Just my personal note to @Terry
Please anyone write in and tell me I've on the wrong road here but @Terry I can understand that your negative but why this wonderful forum works is that it's positive here. Both you and me can probably talk of sad times but I and others like @Maritza tend to only think of positive ways to express mental health agencies because we can either sit around swapping monologues of negative experiences or just suggest positive places we can go.
It also feels like to me...... that your very clever and you have much to offer..... I've read few messages from you.

On @Maritza message....
Maritza writes that you've got 10 free sessions with a Psychologist can I add that.... if you see one who you don't feel comfortable with you can change.
I went to see a Psychologist..... when I first joined Sane forums I used the care plan.... I went to see a gp

Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Oops I accidently pressed submit on the computer and not finishing. ....

@Billamba you are fab. ..... me thinks ........that you are so openly dialoging with Sane forums about this...... does everyone agree...
I was vomiting up for years. .......I was caring for my children and everytime my youngest son went to hospital I just did for spaces of time.
Thank you for telling us how you are

Re: Access to Mental Health Help

Wow, @Billamba, don't feel bad about accessing eheadspace - that is what it's there for!  And you're lot is very hard - give yourself a break any way you can!