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Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

@Shaz51 ... thank you beautiful lady. How is your Mum and Mr Shaz doing? -- sorry my darling sister @Emelia8 , just saw this message xxxx

thinking of you lots @RMG , @Former-Member , @Emelia8 Heart

one of our customers has breast cancer , so we are cleaning her house more to help her more xx

@Sophia1, @Anastasia 


Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

I missed all of these tags prior, thank you @Shaz51 

So sorry to read your update @Former-Member @Emelia8 sending you both 💞💞💞

Hello @Sophia1 @RMG 


Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer


I feel guilty in a way. My husband got great news at his appt with the oncologist. Tumour was greatly reduced in his osophageus in CT scan.

He has been able to eat almost normally!

He has a surveillance endoscopy week after next.

3 mthly scans and oncology appts for near future.

Such a huge relief!! But I'm sure oncologist suffers from Asperger's. Appointment was almost painful - she gave out factual information but no emotion. I had to ask her if we could celebrate in order to double check it was in fact good news 🙃

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Wonderful news @RMG no need to feel guilty,  here to celebrate with you. Is hubby keeping mentally stable?  How are you going yourself?


So far Mr Darcy's hair has not fallen out for which I am most grateful, he selected this regimen over another as my research indicated hair loss was less likely with what he is having and efficacy comparable. The oncologist told us she had one patient who got 6 years from this chemo so there is hope of a bit more time. We have just had a lovely short break away on between treatments and that is what I am focusing on now, living as well as possible and hoping to get in at least one day trip on the "off treatment" weeks.


 @RMG  @Emelia8,  something we need from time to time...images - 2020-10-24T135319.774.jpeg


Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Thinking of you as your surgery date approaches @Emelia8 .


Mr Darcy has a progress scan late this week, will get the results next week at his oncology appt.

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Thanks @Former-Member  🙏

Surgery fast approaching. Only 8 days away. And pre-op meeting with anaesthetist etc at the hospital tomorrow. 


Hope Mr Darcy scans show improvement, or at least no deterioration.


Mr Emelia has his 6-monthly scans tomorrow. And an appointment with oncologist for results next Tuesday. Bad timing as its at same time I will be in surgery. So I cant be there with him. Not sure what to do about that. Maybe get one of his friends to go with him. He doesnt retain information very well.


I think we could all use a cup of courage, as you posted here last week.


Thanks for thinking of me. 💗


Emelia 🌷

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Will be sending up.a few extra for you @Emelia8 .

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer


How is your dad getting along?

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Hi @Former-Member 

Thank you for asking you are very kind. I'm with @RMG I have not told you because he had really good results so far after 9 weeks. He has two more treatments and then another scan. The scan will determine if he can have a break from it for "a little while"

It's knocking him around, he'll be 80 next birthday. Praying for a break for him. 

Cancer sucks Darcy. I'm sad for all of us xxx

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

That is good news @Anastasia