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I am new to this forum. I have been living with a daughter who has MDD and social communication disorder. We have been struggling with getting the right help. I am caring for her and she is an adult aged 21. She is resistant to getting help and when I manage to encourage her, there has been difficulty getting the help. She has a good GP and has started medication. Medication hasn’t worked in the past and she doesn’t open up much. I want to help her without enabling her. Any advice?


Re: New here

Hi there @Amber4 ,


Thanks for posting and sharing what's been happening.


It sounds like you are doing what you can to support your daughter. I'm sorry to hear that things you have tried haven't really been working for her.


I recognise she has MDD and social communication disorder, however, I'm wondering what her interests are. Some people struggle with communication, but deep down, they really want to socialise and have friends.


Are you aware of things she may be interested in?

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