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Re: Consumer

Hmmm well I don't think that is how the Consumer workforce views the term Consumer @Gray..
Thanks for posting the gifts of MI @CherryBomb!
I am a carer and I am a mother @Hobbit, and I know many other folks who are carers, but they are not parents.. And neither are they siblings.
Hence I prefer to use Carer as well as carers are not limited to family networks..good friends are often our backup carers..who is your nominated person in your Advance Statement?

Re: Consumer

Dear Grey, Sandy,

this is great reading. My head is spinning from the 'intellectualism/ feeling dialogue.
I just think I'm in the zone of
' at least, I've really really met like minded people. '
It doesn't get any better.

now I've got to get to bed because I'm about to vomit because I've seen my GP about cutting my medication down and it's Definately going back up again but the side effects are a nightmare.

Peace dudes

Re: Consumer

Hope the nausea passes quickly @PeppiPatty , side effects can suck!
Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Hi all.

@Alessandra1992 Nite Nite. Talk again soon

@PeppiPatty Hope you more betterer in the morning. I take many meds for many maladies and suffer side effects that may be worse than the illnesses.. arthritis, old age, idiocy, etc.

@Hobbit Am I using this correctly?  Are you proud of me? Ha Ha.  Thanks for your comments. By the way... What is a thread?




Re: Consumer

I'm lost... What's a MIP or miploon again ?

Re: Consumer

Now ......

I butt in here...... :0)

Isn't 'partners In Recovery,' an Australiawide organisation which is the answer to P.CAMS ?
I've heard them give presentations a couple of times.

I am so sorry on your family Gray.
does your son have the ability to access you if he wants ?

Re: Consumer

Hi Gray,

Sorry but I'm 47, old for my age but I look 10 years younger. Slightly demented and get confused easily.

Anyways, back to this stimulating conversation.....
This is what I feel needs to be put in a Valuable TOOL KIT for every person with MI. And their loved ones

1: A weekdays free bus pass.
2. the state Law run down main pointers for individuals who suffer MIH and their loved ones/carers.
3. Safety houses for where our individual live. For instance community centres. Somewhere to have a break, talk to someone who cares.
4. Care plan, an individual care plan on a thing you stick in a computer.

Can't think of more at this moment
5: surety that there will be no MI enclaves but more spread out in the community
6:meaningful Vollunteer work for persons who experience times of mental ill health.

Tony Abbott: silly Work for the dole won't motivate people ! But what will is fixing mental health by employing and training how to care for others. ! By caring for others if this is what they want to do, will teach people how to care for themselves.
Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer


A MIP is a Mentally Ill Person.(Consumer)

A Loon is a Loved One (Carer)

You can guess what a MIPLOON is. (Sandy invented this one)


Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Hi Justanother47

Yes my son has access to me but he lives in country NSW and I live in country SA. The return airfare alone from my Town to the big city is $450. Then to NSW $400+, then accommodation etc.  I simply haven't got the money.  I live on a disability pension. I have 547 different physical illnesses and the trip kills me.

He is not well enough to make the trip to me and simply refuses.

A few year ago when I was well and working, I would visit him frequently, but 6 times out of 10 it would turn bad. He's a handfull.

Probably my fault.



Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer


Love your "TOOL KIT"

I would add a bottle of vodka to mine.