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Re: Consumer

Well I am all for Open Dialogue but even the Finnish model took quite a few years to get everyone trained..
With regard to Stigma, we will have to agree to disagree as if you read about experiences of people with particular labels...well stigma is alive and kicking..BPD folk were seen as attention seekers and I think still have huge difficulties in getting help when needed..then there are folks who might have alcohol ie drug issues and they are referred as junkies, iceheads method heads..still not helpful to admitting you need help when media continues to portray vulnerable people as crazy, out of control and dangerous. Then there 's the language of non compliance, lacking insight..

Here's to challenging the system!

Re: Consumer

Yes allessandra1992,

Like what you write.
I (am hesitant but willing to)

believe in health care plans that a person can walk around with and doesn't need to tell his story over and over again....

Re: Consumer

I am 100% with you as well!
Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Hi just another 42yo.

Not sure if your last post/reply was addressed to me or to Sandy (Allexsandra).

Sorry but I'm 65, old for my age, slighly demented and get confused easily.

I noted that you did post me a "like" though.

If your reply was for me then I would love to hear more from you and maybe start up a dialogue.


Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Hiya Sandy,

No, we don't disagree re Stigma. In fact we agree.  What I am saying is that, unlike say, a crack head, the public wouldn't normally recognise a MIP out in the community if they fell over one and couldn't possibly experience Stigma towards them.

Where I agree with you is that the "Powers That Be" have created a scenario to actually try to develop a stigma mentaity out there, starting with the label "Consumer".  The inference being that there is little wrong with them(MIPS) and that they are needlessly consuming limited resources.  It's called reverse psychology.  Tell the public not to have  stigma and they will.

In this way, if they succeed in this insideous endeavour, and I guess in part they may have already, they will have public support for pitifully limited expenditure for the treatment of MIPS. OUT IN THE COMMUNITY, UNSUPPORTED!!

Hope that all makes sense Sandy

GRay (eX LOON)

Re: Consumer

Hey @Gray..once a loon always a loon don't you think?
Now I need to go ponder what you've written..

Re: Consumer

Hi @Alessandra1992,

Here's the link to the thread about the Gifts of MI that I think you're referring to. Is it the right one?

CB Smiley Happy

Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Sandy, and others using "consumer". With my dumb head I am not sure, is this "another " label for a MI sufferer. If so I am bemused, why not be what we are, long wronged and labeled by non sufferers as something alien. I am a "Sufferer of P.T.S.D a psychiatric condition" as apposed to some poor person with a broken arm, leg, kidney or with a tooth ache. Tooth ache, how many times have you heard the words, Öh you poor thing, there is nothing worse than a tooth ache".  I was going to go further but I just get more frustrated when I am told that  I can control my MI but anything else involving pain is the worst thing anyone could be stuck with.

loopyMan Sad

Re: Consumer

Hi everyone!

Great conversation here, I loved reading this. I suppose the thing about stigma is that society needs us all to 'fit in somewhere' or pigeon hole everyone. Hence terms such as 'consumer', 'carer', 'drug addict'...and so forth. With these labels comes stigma. It can also extend to such things as 'wealthy', 'poor', 'homeless', 'good looking'....anything. Thus there can be both positive and negative stigma.

I think the fundamental thing is competition. That is, comparing people against one another. For example, if some is good looking, it's in comparison to people who aren't as apparently 'good looking', or when someone is 'wealthy', it's in comarison to others who aren't as well off. If society stopped comparing people and just let them live, we probably wouldn't have so many pigeon holes to put people into, and therefore stigma wouldn't have so much of a chance.

I guess the trick to combatting stigma is just to be yourself and try to 'fit in' at the same time. It's very hard, it's actually a paradox. I know I can't do it, and when I do, I feel awkward indeed.

Was it Shakepshere that said 'we all all but actors on the stage of life"??

I once spoke to a "carer" who told me "what is it with this term carer?? I'm a mother"



Senior Contributor

Re: Consumer

Hi Loopy,

The reason that Sandy and others use the term "Consumer" is that it was introduced by the government in the late 80's to make MI people,  who I call MIPs, and their carers, who I call Loons, feel guilty about using the ever decreasing services of the government.

The inference is that MIPs don't really need to use them(the services) and it is short for OVER Consumer. 

And it has caught on!!! Yaaay.  Some MIPs and Loons actually like it!    The government have thusly won!

All this so that the avaricious, sociopathic, politicians and co. can feather their own nests with the money thus saved.

GGCat Frustrated