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If you live with borderline personality disorder (BPD), you’ll know it comes with its own set of challenges. However, it’s important to remember that you can definitely live a full and meaningful life with BPD.

Unfortunately, there’s research that shows there’s more stigma associated with BPD than with most other mental health conditions and that stigma can come from both mental health practitioners and the general public.

Stigma can negatively affect the mental health of stigmatised populations (such as those with BPD) and stop them from getting the help they need. It’s important to understand why stigma is damaging, and know how to deal with any stigma you may face.


Work-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be very challenging to deal with, but there are ways to manage it more effectively.

PTSD can develop in response to witnessing or experiencing very shocking, extreme or sudden events. This can include events that happen at work, such as severe accidents and injuries, sexual harassment or assault, bullying, emotional or physical abuse or discrimination.

It’s a common misconception that PTSD can only occur for workers such as paramedics or police officers. While these professions pose a greater risk of developing PTSD, it can also develop in professions that are generally considered ‘low risk’ where a traumatic event has been experienced. Events don’t have to be life-threatening to be considered traumatic.

Here’s how to know if you might be experiencing work-related PTSD, and what to do if you are.


Engaging in meaningful work is an important part of many people’s lives, including those living with schizophrenia. Many people with schizophrenia can absolutely find a job and thrive in the workplace, and work across a variety of industries and positions. This is especially the case when they have the right supports in place.

Keep in mind that everyone with schizophrenia will have a different experience. Some people might have few difficulties or find that their symptoms only affect their ability to work in certain fields or positions, or to work for long hours. Others might need to take time off work entirely. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s best to speak to a mental health professional to get clear on what will be suitable for you.

While living and working with schizophrenia comes with some unique challenges, there are ways to navigate it more smoothly. Here are our top tips.


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Five myths about social anxietyFive myths about social anxiety

If you have social anxiety, you know what it feels like to experience intense anxiety in social situations. It can involve a fear of judgement or embarrassment and can sometimes result in you avoiding social situations altogether.

While it’s quite common (around 7 per cent of Australians have experienced social anxiety in the past 12 months), there are a lot of myths surrounding it. Debunking these myths is important, so that they don’t create stigma and self-stigma, or prevent people from seeking help.

Here are five myths about social anxiety – and the facts that prove them wrong.



Seven things everyone should know about PTSDSeven things everyone should know about PTSD

At some point in our lives, many of us will go through or witness a traumatic event - something shocking, distressing, or dangerous. These events can challenge our ability to cope and change how we understand the world. 




t's normal to go through tough times and to feel stress and emotional pain. Here's how resilience skills can help you to cope with adversity. 




Routines are those activities or rhythms that create structure in your day. Here we guide you through how to create routines that gradually help lift your mood and give you a sense of achievement.  




Did you know the small, meaningful or practical activities that you do regularly can support your mental health? Here, we explain why routines benefit your mood and wellbeing. 




People living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) face challenges with managing emotions, their sense of identity and interpersonal relationships. While the symptoms of BPD can be distressing and difficult to manage, it is important to remember that there is effective treatment available.



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Almost every new or expectant parent experiences some anxiety. Anxiety in parents is interpreted differently by different people, families and cultures. But parents’ worry or anxiety during pregnancy and the first year of a child’s life can be challenging to recognise and manage.