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extra support during mental as week

Hi last year at this time I was having a bad time. Every time I turned on radio or tv, mostly abc all I found was illness. I wanted to talk back so often and had no avenues. I tried lifeline a couple of times and it was always busy. Any chance of more ph workers during this time? Thanks

Re: extra support during mental as week

Welcome @possum1

yes, it is saturation, i never thought of it from that perspective, rather in it's ability to raise awareness to those otherwise unaware.

Sane's Helpline is available until 10pm this week in response

1800 18 7263

please feel free to call, fingers crossed you're able to speak to someone in soon.

Re: extra support during mental as week

Hi @possum1

I just thought I'd also let you know about the Samaritans in case you are seeking support after 10pm or outside of mental health week (when SANE's only open 9-5). They provide 24/7 telephone counselling:

13 52 47

We would also love to hear your thoughts about any of the Mental As content here on the Forums 🙂



Re: extra support during mental as week

Yeah, I've been finding the ABC Mental As campaign triggering as well.  Because I was anticipating the content of Mental As to be overwhelming, I wrote a complaint to the ABC.  The thrust of it was that I found the campaign last year to be overwhelming and unhelpful - and I suggested that the next campaign should include information on a person's rights as a mental health patient, Checkout style, or the revival of the ABC Ramp Up news service. 


If you'd also like to lodge a complaint with the ABC about how they're handling the Mental As campaign, you can find their contact form here:


SBS2 seems to be light-hearted in the evenings. 

Re: extra support during mental as week

Thanks Karma, about raising awareness for the unaware – even for those who are aware, as there are so many different conditions of MI.

Maybe the difficulty is that MI affects more people other than the person with the condition than say, someone with a broken leg, ie it has more effect on emotions and interpersonal relations without visible ‘hardware’ disabilities.

In fact, some can look and behave like everyone else, but are physiologically unwell.