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Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Oh goodness @BPD_Cat . That sounds like a really intense, painful, confronting thing to have your diagnosis kept from you. I'm so sorry that happened. I'm glad though that you know now & have found this space here with us this evening 💛

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Hey @Giselle_ ,


Thank you for sharing. It's great to hear that you have made progress with your current psychologist. I have to agree that group therapy was an essential part of my recovery. 


I'm wondering if private hospitals in your area run groups? Some hospitals have a day program where they run groups each day/week as part of therapy - DBT, ACT group therapy.


Alternatively, you can also head over to the Australian BPD Foundation's newsletter where there are regular updates on what's available in each state in Australia. 


In NSW, Project Air is the main specialist for personality disorders. You can read more about them here.


Feel free to link to this thread Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script where members can share their experiences.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Yes, it was very distressing. Unfortunately due to this incident I now am extremely wary of any type of doctor. (My parents are doctors as well). But luckily I have amazing friends who have been helping me through it, and I have started counselling and working on my mental health ❤️


Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Hi @BPD_Cat thanks for your post.


That sounds like a really hard position to be in. I hope that being aware of your diagnosis now is helpful despite not knowing for those years. One thing that I think is important to keep in mind is that BPD is actually really treatable and people can recover. And that there are a lot of people out there who want to work with people with this diagnosis. Sometimes being aware of the diagnosis can be an important step towards the recovery process. Hopefully, you can get the support you need.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

What’s happening for BPD Awareness week? How can I get involved? 


Head on over to the BPD Awareness Week website to find out what’s happening and stay up-to-date. Events are regularly being updated:


You can also learn more about the BPD Core Principles of Care. This has been facilitated and organised by the Australian BPD Foundation-


You can also access:

Instagram: bpdawareness week


Facebook: BPDawareness week


Twitter: @BPDAwarenessWeek 


@BPD_Cat @Giselle_ @rye @round_the_twist @EliReardon 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Thank you so much @BPDSurvivor 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

For our final question of the night:


Where can those interested go for more information and support? 





Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Yes, I agree with you. Even though I was really upset, I was relieved as well to finally understand why I would feel how I felt sometimes. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Hey @BPD_Cat ,


When I was diagnosed, I never actually found out I had BPD for nearly a year. Not because of anyone's fault but my own. It was in the discharge letter which I never read for a long time.


I'm hearing you, and hearing how frustrating it must be for you. For me, when I found out, I didn't really know what BPD was. However, after looking it up, I felt a real sense of "So whatever's happening has a name!"


I encourage you to find the supports you can in that you now know you have a diagnosis of BPD. BPD is not a life-sentence. It's a journey of realisation and discovery. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week 2023: Be the Difference // Tuesday 26th September 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

For information on Spectrum services people can visit our website at


Often your GP is the best initial contact when attempting to access support. They should be able to provide referral options in your local area or talk to you about ways to access treatment. 


One thing I would say is that it can at times be incredibly hard to find support. Sometimes it can be important to continue to advocate for yourself even if it doesn't feel like it's working. 

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