Connect with people who understand what you are going through, seek advice and surround yourself with support. We're free, anonymous, and professionally moderated 24/7.
28 Jul 2014 06:49 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:20 PM
28 Jul 2014 06:49 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:20 PM
Welcome to the Forums guides. Below you’ll see a series of posts that will help you use the system, know your responsibilities and stay safe while you’re here.
The SANE Forums are a moderated service for Australians 18 years and over who are living with mental illness, and families, friends and carers of people living with mental illness.
The purpose of the Forums is for people affected by mental illness to share stories and information that can help us find positive pathways through our experience.
SANE Australia provides this service in conjunction with partner organisations throughout Australia.
Forums moderators are health professionals who are employed by SANE Australia and partner organisations. All moderators are identified as either a ‘moderator’ or ‘community manager’.
The Forums are primarily funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
07 Sep 2016 01:11 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:21 PM
07 Sep 2016 01:11 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:21 PM
New to SANE Forums? You can get up to speed fast with the Forums’ features by doing some of these things:
The entire Forum is publicly available to read, so you can browse the Carers and Lived Experience Forums or use the search bar to explore. You’ll get a good idea of how the Forums work and what kind of topics are discussed.
Ready to add your voice? Click the ‘Register’ link on any Forum page to become a member and join the conversation.
Each member has a username and a picture to represent them on the Forums. In your Profile you can upload an anonymous picture or choose one of our preset images to be your avatar or on the Forums.
The Forums are a safe, respectful and anonymous place. The Guidelines help all members make sure their voice adds to those principles, and explains what happens if moderators need to take any post down.
Now you’re a member, you can find a discussion you can join and contribute to. Browse, search or filter the Forum to find a conversation you’d like to be part of. Not sure where to start? Introduce yourself and let the community point you in the right direction.
Reply to any post to add your voice to the conversation. Introduce yourself in your first post and join the conversation. Your post will appear in the discussion and be moderated.
Seen a post you’d like to read again, or come back to? Click the star next to it (on desktop or tablet) to favourite it.
If a post is great, tell the Forum and the member who posted it by clicking the thumbs-up ‘Like’ button.
If you’ve got something to share, here’s your chance to start a new discussion. Share your experience, your story, your thoughts and feelings.
Need more in-depth information about how to use the Forums? There are detailed, step-by-step guides in the How-tos section.
Here are a few:
You can email us any time at with any questions that you’re reluctant to post under your username on the Forums. We post these anonymously on Mondays so that members of the community can respond.
Every Third Tuesday of the month in the Lived Experience Forum, and every fourth Tuesday of the month in the Carers Forum, we have a lively discussion about a topical issue. Sometimes we have a guest speaker, or we host an in-house conversation between our peers to address an issue of interest.
An opportunity just to mingle with other members. Bring along a virtual plate of food and enjoy people’s company. It usually starts around 6pm AEST.
A regular series of discussions about mental health and work hosted by Ostara Australia, where members can share practical advice and personal experiences.
Keep an eye on the Special Events topic for more events to join.
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
07 Sep 2016 01:13 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:22 PM
07 Sep 2016 01:13 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:22 PM
The SANE community guidelines are here to keep people safe on the Forums. It’s a good idea to read them, just so you know what’s okay here and what isn’t.
Anyone living in Australia and 18 years or over is welcome to join and contribute to these Forums. This is your space, a place for all of us to give and receive support, share experiences and information, and help each other.
As a community, we highly value everyone’s contributions. Freedom of speech is encouraged, but there are some essential guidelines we set to keep the service safe, respectful and welcoming.
We aim to ensure that the SANE Forums are always:
In order to ensure the Forums are safe for you and other members, please:
We want to ensure everyone who comes to the SANE Forums feels welcome and respected. So please do not publish any content that:
All statements outside your personal experience — for example, about statistics, data, studies or medicine — should have trustworthy sources. Please include a link or reference to the source of the data within your post.
Our moderators may remove any content that is unsourced or could be considered harmful or triggering. If this happens to you, a moderator will be in touch to help work things out.
The SANE Forums are anonymous to help members feel they can share personal experiences without worrying about being identified. You should choose a SANE Forums username that is different to usernames you have on other social media services, and can’t identify you. Please do not publish:
It’s a small world, so it’s possible you could meet someone who tells you they are a member or moderator on the SANE Forums.
It’s worth thinking ahead about what you’ll say if that happens. Here are three options to consider:
Even if someone is sharing with you, it’s okay not to share in the same way if you want to keep your membership private.
You can say you’re a member without revealing your username. This is okay, even if the other member tells you theirs. Saying you’d prefer to keep that private is fine. You may wish to reassure your fellow member that you won’t share their details with anyone. They might assume or try to guess which member you are — again, you don’t have to reveal anything.
Before telling anyone your username, think: how comfortable do you feel with that person being able to connect your real-life identity to all your posts, past and present? Would telling them make you feel less safe to share openly on the Forums in future? Share your username only if you’re sure you’ll always feel safe with them knowing.
SANE treats your privacy very seriously. For more on what information we collect and what we do and don’t do with it, read our Privacy policy.
Whatever you choose, don’t publish to the Forums information about meeting other members in real life. There is a risk of identifiable information being shared, so moderators will remove those posts. The only exception to this is if two members knew each other before joining SANE Forums, but even then, keep it general and non-identifying.
It happens! We know it’s almost always unintentional. One of our moderators will contact you via email to let you know which guideline your post doesn’t meet, and explain why that particular guideline exists.
Your post will be taken off the Forums and you’ll be asked to edit it so it meets the guidelines. When you’ve done that, your post can be published again.
We strongly encourage you to edit your post and continue to be part of the conversation.
Banning members is a last resort, reserved for users who repeatedly and intentionally breach these Community Guidelines. In particular, name calling and trolling will not be tolerated.
If you're at risk of being banned, a moderator will tell you. Before making a decision to ban, the moderator will work with you via email to get you back on track. If you choose to ignore the moderators and continue to breach Community Guidelines, you will be notified of being banned via email and your account will be closed.
If you ever have any technical problems editing your post, please email
If you are an individual or organisation conducting research, please contact with an overview of your research project. Please do not post advertisements or requests for participants without the approval of SANE Australia.
These guidelines are the principles that keep everyone safe and help us all feel supported. They evolve over time, with your input.
Your feedback about the guidelines is encouraged and appreciated. There are two ways to contact us with suggestions:
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
07 Sep 2016 01:14 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:22 PM
07 Sep 2016 01:14 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:22 PM
To become a SANE Forums member:
You can join a SANE Forums discussion any time. All you have to do is find a discussion you like and reply to a post in it.
A good length for a post is up to 200–300 words, or 1–4 paragraphs. Shorter is fine, but longer posts don’t tend to get as many replies.
Be as clear as you can about why you’re posting. If you need advice about a particular issue, make sure you ask specific questions. Or if you’re just sharing your thoughts, it can be helpful to say so.
It’s also a good idea to read the Community guidelines before your first post.
To add to a discussion:
To edit one of your posts:
To delete one of your posts:
Your request will be sent to the team. Moderators will respond to your request as soon as possible, but there could be a delay, especially outside of business hours. If your need is urgent, edit your post and remove its contents.
You can start a new discussion on the SANE Forums.
Before you start a new discussion, look through the Forums to see if the subject you want to talk about is already there. If it is, you can add to that discussion and get the benefit of everyone’s contributions. It’s okay to enter a discussion after it’s started.
To start a new discussion:
To change your profile pic:
To change your personal information:
To change your notifications settings:
If you forget your username or password:
There are three ways to find discussions you might like:
All posts go live straight away, however a moderator will review them, to keep things safe, respectful and welcoming for everyone.
Moderators will contact you privately if you need to change anything before the post or discussion can go live.
If you are asked to edit a post that a moderator has removed you can resubmit your post through your profile:
When you write a post, you can include other members’ usernames to include them in the discussion:
If you are using the desktop or tablet version of the forums:
You can add more usernames the same way. The member will receive an email notification letting them know they have been mentioned in your post.
This function isn’t available in ‘Quick reply’ or if you are using the mobile version. You can still @mention people by using the @ symbol followed by the member’s full username (please note, you must spell the username correctly to activate a notification to that member)
Favourites are like bookmarks to help you quickly find a post you want to see again. You can favourite posts on the desktop or tablet version of the Forums.
To favourite a post:
To see all the posts you’ve favourited:
Likes show your appreciation. To like a post:
You can click the number of likes to see who else has liked this post.
To see all the posts you’ve liked:
If someone likes your post you’ll receive an email notification (unless you have opted out), and it will appear on your profile.
If you see something on a Forum post that you think breaks the Community guidelines:
On desktop or tablet:
Use ‘Report inappropriate content’ as outlined above.
A moderator will review the post. They may not get back to you individually, as they may need to take action for the safety of the member.
Moderators have a strict duty of care process that often takes place behind the scenes, so please do not be alarmed if you don’t hear back from a moderator.
You are not responsible to keep someone safe, so you have no obligation to respond to a member who states they are at risk. However, if you do feel you want to respond, the most helpful content to include is:
There’s a little printer figure next to the time and date on each post. Clicking it will take you to a version of the post that’s suitable for printing.
You can see all your Forum activity in one place:
If you have any problems using the Forums, a great place to get support is on the Forums — ask your community!
If you have trouble accessing the service at all, contact us at We're always happy to see how we can help.
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
07 Sep 2016 01:16 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:23 PM
07 Sep 2016 01:16 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:23 PM
The SANE Forums is a supportive community, but just like other communities, there are challenging times. Times when people don’t see eye-to-eye, or when things you read can trigger strong emotions.
So what can you do when something on the Forums upsets you? Here are some suggestions.
Your first priority should always be self-care. If you’re upset about something you read on the Forums, it may be helpful to work through the following steps:
This also applies if you’re not feeling up to giving support on the Forums. It’s okay to step back for a while. You could avoid certain topics or discussions, or take some time out of the Forums altogether for self-care. If you want to stay on, you could visit some of ‘lighter’ discussions.
Find out how other members manage triggers and self-care.
Conflict is a normal part of communicating and connecting. It can be stressful, but it can also be an opportunity to work through and resolve issues.
If you decide you want to communicate with the other member and try to resolve the conflict, there are a few useful things to do:
Forums moderators work behind the scenes reviewing posts. If a moderator spots a conflict, they may enter the conversation and try to help resolve things.
You can also email to alert them to the situation.
If you see any content that is harmful or triggering, or you believe violates the Community guidelines, you can use the ‘Report Inappropriate Content’ function on the desktop or tablet version of the Forums to alert the moderator.
A moderator:
Remember: if you don’t want to address the conflict straight away, that’s okay. Breathing space can be helpful. Take some time out, practise self-care and revisit the discussion when you’re ready.
For more guidance on how to respond to conflict, email
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
07 Sep 2016 01:18 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:24 PM
07 Sep 2016 01:18 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:24 PM
ABI – acquired brain injury
ADD – attention deficit disorder
ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ASD – autism spectrum disorder
BPD – borderline personality disorder
CBT – cognitive behavioural therapy
CTO – community treatment order
DBT – dialectical behavioural therapy
DID – dissociative identity disorder
ECT – electro-convulsive therapy
ED – eating disorder
ERP – exposure response prevention therapy
GAD – generalised anxiety disorder
GP – general practitioner
IPT – interpersonal therapy
MDD – major depressive disorder
MH – mental health
MI – mental Illness
OCD – obsessive-compulsive disorder
OT – occupational therapy/therapist
Pdoc – psychologist or psychiatrist
PHN – Primary Health Network
PIR – Partners In Recovery
SH – self harm
SI – suicidal ideation
SSRI – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
PRAC – prevention and recovery care
PTS – post-traumatic stress
PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder
Forum – a collection of discussion topics which registered members can contribute to. There are two SANE Forums — Carers and Lived Experience — and members are able to contribute to both.
Discussion Topic – a collection of discussions (as defined below) on a similar theme.
Discussion – one online conversation on a single subject. Moderators or members can start a new discussion post to existing ones.
Post – one contribution from a member in a discussion. Moderators and members can post.
Member – a user of the SANE Forums who has registered. Members can post, reply, like and favourite posts and have their own user profile on the site. Each member has a ‘rank’ depending on how many times they have posted:
New Contributor – 0 posts
Casual Contributor – 3 posts
Contributor – 10 posts
Senior Contributor – 30 posts
Community Guide – Volunteer long time members who are instrumental in maintaining a productive and supportive community.
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
17 Nov 2017 02:16 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:28 PM
17 Nov 2017 02:16 PM - edited 17 Nov 2017 02:28 PM
SANE Forums is a peer-to-peer community, where users can support each other.
Mental health professionals moderate Forums conversations, but can’t offer one-on-one or crisis support.
If you need one-on-one support, guidance or information about mental health contact:
If you’re distressed, feeling suicidal or unsafe or have urges to harm yourself, contact the following 24-hour services:
It’s time to get one-on-one crisis support if:
To help plan ahead for safety during a crisis, check out Beyond Blue’s Beyond Now safety planning app.
For more Forums Guides, see:
Please note: SANE Forums are peer-to-peer support services. The information provided is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their health care professionals.
They do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency call 000.
Members feature!Log in to add spaces, events and discussions to your favourites.
SANE services are not designed for crisis support. If you require immediate support, please contact one of the service providers below.
If you need urgent assistance, see Need help now
For mental health information, support, and referrals, contact SANE Support Services
SANE Forums is published by SANE with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health
SANE - ABN 92 006 533 606
PO Box 1226, Carlton VIC 3053