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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Evening all

I’m new to this site. I have never wrote on a forum where I introduce myself;’if you read the following it will probably end up being very long winded

I just turned 46 last month. Next month my husband and I have been married for two years and together for 8. I had to to give up work in 2016 due to my mental health. I had a doctors appointment and by the end of that appointment I’ve never worked since. My husband at the time had already wanted me to give up work, we had only been together 8 months by this stage, we were living together. 
I decided at a very young age I did not want children as I couldn’t look after myself; so I have fur babies instead.

Im a volunteer at my local dog shelter. The dog shelter is a pound, a place where people can surrender their dogs plus an adoption centre. Over the last 18 years on and off I’ve volunteered there plus I worked there as an animal attendant and also done customer service. This time around volunteering I’ve made friends. Last year I was acknowledged during volunteer’s week so I had an article written about me. There has been an article written about Lilly Rose; my fur baby, and I. The organisation writes about past dogs who have been adopted and their new families. In September this year Lilly Rose and my life story is going to be featured in a book. I adopted Lilly Rose 13 years ago from the shelter I volunteer at. Lilly was a stray who was almost one. Lilly was the reason I’m still here now. Last year on the 13th of December I had to say goodbye to her as she had nose cancer. I’m still grieving for her, currently crying while writing this part. I’m also a foster carer for the organisation I volunteer at. We had a dog for a sleepover, his name is Dudley. Dudley is 10 years old, he is a jack Russel x pug; he has had a lot of homes during is life as he needs to be with someone most of the time as he doesn’t cope. Dudley got adopted but came back the next day. Dudley got adopted by us on the 12th of January. It was meant to be as my deceased uncle’s name is Dudley.

i don’t live far away from my parents, basically not even a five minute walk. I speak to my mum everyday, either via text, phone call or we catch up for a coffee. My parents have been my rock during my mental health journey even though for a very long time they didn’t understand it. When I was first diagnosed as having Bipolar 2 they than had a light bulb moment. My parents, husband and some of my friends still don’t totally understand my mental health condition as I believe that unless you have or are experiencing mental health illness no one understands it.

next part of the story is regarding my mental health.

Ive been on the mental health journey since i was a young child. 
When I was 8 months old I had meningitis. I’ve done research into the impact of meningitis that can follow through to adulthood. I have a mental health illness, cognitive problems, I’m dyslexic, have hearing problems. So far now of the specialist that I have seen in relation to my mental health illness have not worked out that the meningitis is most likely the cause of my mental health problems. The so call experts have tried blaming on my condition on being spoiled as a child, attention seeking, not being able to deal with stress, bad relationships, my parents and have also suggested I must of been abused as a child. I actually had a great childhood and have fantastic parents.

I’ve had a few diagnoses:

When mum took me to our family doctor due to the fact I was always crying he told mum I was just doing it for attention and to get my own way

When I was an adult I started the process of getting help for my mental health. I was told that I felt like this due to not handling stress or due to bad relationships.


2012 diagnosed with having Bipolar 2 disorder and anxiety 

2019 diagnosed with having Borderline Personality Disorder and anxiety 

I’ve just recently been doing research into mental health illnesses. I’ve compared Bipolar 2 Disorder, Borderline Personality, emotional hyperarousal symptom, ADHD- emotional deregulation. I’m trying to be re assessed as I believe that I have ADHD emotional hyperarousal. 


I have just recently seen a psychiatrist as I’ve been suffering from morning anxiety for almost a year now. Sometimes the anxiety will not last long other times it does. My anxiety has prevented me from going to appointments, catching up with friends or just leaving the house. The psychiatrist blamed the medication that I take for narcolepsy as the cause of my anxiety. I started the medication two years ago and it was only last year the morning anxiety started. I’m not an expert but I think that if it was the medication that the anxiety would have started two years ago. I’m currently trying to find another psychiatrist that doesn’t cost a small fortune.

My mental health condition is not something I’m embarrassed by as this is what makes me who I am. 
It took me a long time to come to the realisation that it’s only me who can help me. I can be given all the information, advice and techniques by the doctors but I’m the one who needs to use that information to be able to improve on my life’s journey 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hello @1978  Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing such a in depth introduction and background on yourself and your experience!


I really liked what you said at the end about not feeling embarrassed because it makes you who you are, and being the one to help yourself, very inspiring 😊


I look forward to seeing you around

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂



I'm new, so would like to say nice to meet you.


Most people in my circle say I'm a good person with a fun sence of humour and compassionate.


However, I am struggling.


As a gay man in a rural community it is difficult to find people willing to listen without judgement or baggage.  This is proving to be isolating and lonely.


My complex PTSD caused by extreme violence has been getting out of control, complicated by significant and progressive debilitating health issues.  With my cognitive abilities declining, it is becoming harder to control my reactions to triggers.  With my challenges, I'm feeling increasingly hollow.  A facade of a person.  


Hence being here.


A new round of treatments with neurologists, psychologists and councillors is just beginning.  This scares me, adding to major anxiety.  Part of my fear is previous engagements with psychologists/counselling has resulted in abandonment due to they couldn't handle the violence of my experiences.


So, please forgive my intrution, I'd like to have a method of being heard; even if it's not responded.  For me writing something is a bit of a release.  


I wish you well on you journeys, just at the moment my travels are impacted by flat tyres and no emotional spares.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi, I'm 3D.


I try to be as kind and thoughtful as I can to other people as is possible in this ravaged world.


I'm not working outside the house currently, so I spend my time creatively, sewing, making jewellery, and programming. And a few other things. 


I'm autistic, have schizophrenia, and severe osteoarthritis. 


Right now I'm manic as all get out, so I will quickly say hi to all, and look forward to engaging with other people. 


Thank you for having me! 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hello @1978 @3DPrintingChaos @McFluffy ,


Great to have you with us! 


We hope you find the forums helpful as you navigate them. Please reach out if you need any assistance or if there are topics you are interested in reading about.


We'd love to help you get to them!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@3DPrintingChaos  welcome to the forum 3D 😁

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hello community,


This is my first time ever posting to a forum discussion, and doing so in one with sensitive souls such as ours, I hope I don’t mess it up and say something stupid.


I’m FreddieQ. ADHD w extreme emotional dysregulation, BD II, GAD, OCD, PTSD. Oh and I’m also in the middle of divorcing my partner of 20 years. Though that last one is definitely stressful, it is actually a very good thing because 1) I’ve taken my mask off, 2) I’m free to me me, scars, triggers and all, 3) never again will I stay with a future partner if I ever see them looking at me the way he used to when he thought I wouldn’t see - like I was from another planet and speaking in alien tongues (ok, I may have seemed to act this way at times, but still…).


Anyway. It looks like I signed up to the SANE forums a couple of years ago, but never actually took the plunge and did anything with it. I was a super hot mess back then, very very low.
Things are a bit better now, so I’m less of a mess, but a hot mess I remain all the same.


Thank you very much for having me.


FreddieQ 🌻

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi there,


I am trying to socialise with people again.

Really want to learn to do this without feeling afraid or ways to cope or manage.


Long story short.

Always been struggling with social stuff and battery.

Like all the old fashioned rules were supposed to apply, but they don't.

I am questioning Autism.

Because of how much stress social has given me my life.

But this was shutdown as I am an attractive female adult.

There are overlaps with C-PTSD.


Right now I feel completely broken down and I need to be able shed my fears of people to survive.

Sorry for seeming so negative.


Thank you for having this space.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

I can certainly relate @Miaow !


Welcome to the forums. So glad to have you with us.


We're pretty cruisey around here. 


Believe it or not, I spent many years under the covers. I stayed away from people for over a decade.. and yes, CPTSD has a part to play. 


Long story short, these forums was where I started opening up again. I used these forums as a sounding board for what was going on inside me. The forums were anonymous so I felt safer. This was how I started socialising again. 


Lo and behold.. years later, I'm still here... 


What are some things you are interested in?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Thanks for your reply. Nice to meet you.

It's nice to know it's a safe space here and I'm not alone.

For interests re mental health:
I guess at the moment. Just trying to feel calmer and starting to interact with people.

Feels like there's a hissing cat inside me. Even when I started writing this. I don't want to feel that way.

Tips and tricks to stay on routine and hold focus or reground.
I struggle with memory flashbacks all throughout the day.

Also awareness of the physical body. I feel so disconnected from mine. Then self care can become hard.