06-03-2025 11:29 AM
06-03-2025 11:29 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new here, trying to get support for me and my family. I got diagnosed with SCZ back in January of 2021 and I have been self sufficient and stable since until about 6 months ago..
Through the ringer again we go, lost my job, owner of house screwed us over now we're living in a tent and my head won't shut up.
Since moving, I even managed to get a job and work but I went downhill mentally and I'm going to try and get social support again today... I don't like to be needing help.. I like to do things myself.
06-03-2025 11:59 AM
06-03-2025 11:59 AM
Hi @Speedy89 and welcome to the forums
I know that it can be very uncomfortable asking for help or needing to lean on others for support, but it is something that we all need to do sometimes. Good on you for taking the step to reach out here, I know it wouldn't have been easy.
Do you currently have any other supports like a good GP who can help you with further referrals if that's something that would help?
I also just wanted to leave some resources here for supports relating to your housing situation:
The good Shepard provides no interest loans to those in need, and AskIzzy has a database of all sorts of supports from housing, legal, counselling, you can see what help is available in your area.
Again, good on you for taking this step, I hope it's the first towards gaining that self-sufficiency again
06-03-2025 12:24 PM
06-03-2025 12:24 PM
Woah that was quick! Are you an auto robot? That's weird.
I do find talking in messaging system easier than talking to people because they don't understand much.
Thanks for the support info, I will look into them today.
I am trying to get my medical records sent to a new indigenous drs centre but it's taking forever because apparently the lady who handles that is away 🤦
What's even harder is that I can be fine for a ages then all of a sudden everything takes a nosedive. I know I suffer with social anxiety disorder like everyday but I try not to let it bother me too much.
SANE turned up on my Facebook so I guess it's a good thing those spies are listening to me 😂 this place seems safe and easy to use.
Sorry if it's hard to understand my rambling
06-03-2025 12:53 PM
06-03-2025 12:53 PM
Haha no robots here @Speedy89 but that comparison does have me feeling like I'm very on the ball
It's so hard when our mental health sort of ebbs and flows like that, because it can be easier to convince ourselves that we're fine because we're only really struggling 25% or even 50% of the time. I feel like no matter what you're going through there's always a little voice in your head telling you not to bother anyone about it and that you can work it out on your own. Ironically, in my experience the worse my mental health gets and the more I would really benefit from support, the louder and more persuasive that voice gets.
How disconcerting can it be wen your phone serves you up something like that, but I have to admit it is handy. Sometimes when I'm looking for something specific but I can't find it from a google search I'll just stop and wait for all the targeted ads to come and they're usually eerily spot on.
06-03-2025 01:04 PM
06-03-2025 01:04 PM
Well that's good, had me worried there for a bit haha. I'm glad you took it as a compliment tho.
Yeah wow... Now that you mention it...that is absolutely spot on!
Yeah it doesn't help the paranoia one bit at all tho and makes me wonder if big companies even think about these repercussions at all!
I don't think moving 500km away was my smartest move as I have to completely re-establish all support networks from the ground up.
Partner is being very supportive though and making heaps of calls for me which is nice.
Thanks for talking with me this morning I do appreciate the little chats where I am not being interrogated by authoritah!
(That's from Southpark if you didn't get it)
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll be back to report how I get along in this new place I call home
07-03-2025 04:44 PM
07-03-2025 04:44 PM
Hey @Speedy89 just wanted to check in on how you're going today?
07-03-2025 05:56 PM
07-03-2025 05:56 PM
Oh wow you guys really put in the effort! Thanks for checking in..
So I woke up in a delusional state (lost) like it took me 5 odd minutes to realise where I was and what day it was.
I noticed last night after everyone else went to bed that the dead of the night silence was when my anxiety started to wind down. I went for an estranged walk through the caravan park for no reason other than to feel left alone or some kind of peace of mind.
Today I rang Centrelink services Australia on 2 different occasions and they wouldn't help me or didn't understand how to help me.
My medical records have been faxed over but I am still waiting for a GP appointment... Poor Dr first visit is going to get overloaded with information so I have attempted to script my concern into a simple format for their ease of understanding.
"My name is ***** and I am suffering what I believe is symptoms of Schizophrenia once again, my first time experiencing this was back in January of 2021 where I was hospitalised for psychosis and extreme social anxiety disorder. Could I please get a referral for psychiatric assessment urgently as I am now homeless and had to give up my new job due to not being able to function properly"
Is there an easier/shorter way to word this?
Sun is about to go down and the panic is setting in 🤦 and it's so stupid because I know exactly what is going on but I don't know how to manage this without heavy medications.
Anyway, 2night I am going to call lifeline and talk to someone there to see how they can help... Rent is due and I'm broke... Like -$11,500 yes that's a minus...
I have bills piling up by the hour and it's certainly not helping at all. If I was born this way Centrelink would pay me instantly but I have to explain why I am unable to work with medical evidence which I can't supply bcuz waiting on that GP appointment...
Now I'm going round in circles so I'll cut it off here...
07-03-2025 07:00 PM
07-03-2025 07:00 PM
Arghhh @Speedy89 ,
What's going on, mate? Sounds like everything is rolling into the other! Sorry to hear about what is happening.
Good on you for speaking out. I hope you get that assessment you need. Is there a possibility you contact 000 if you need it?
07-03-2025 07:38 PM
07-03-2025 07:38 PM
Yeah I'm okay as in I have been worse than this on my first "recorded" psychotic episode years ago and yeah I'm stuck in a govt created loop and have to find a hole to poke my finger in to undo this and get back on track.
Yeah my mobile phone is connected and I don't think I'm at risk of harm at this point
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