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Schema therapy group

I recently started attending a schema therapy group for eating disorders. I had previously done some schema therapy work with my old psychologist (who is now one of the group facilitators) and it was something that really resonated with me. When this course was offered to me I jumped at the chance of continuing the work that I started and hopefully getting some positive results from it. 

I have a BPD diagnosis, so I think that’s why schema therapy really resonates with me because it talks about having different parts to ourselves. 

This group runs for 25 weeks, so a huge commitment, and we are at week 4 this week just gone. @tyme has been real keen to hear about it and suggested a start a thread. I’d like to hopefully take those that are interesting along for the ride. Share what I learn in a way that helps me remember what I learn and keep it in my head. 

cause we are at week 4, we have done a lot of basic foundational work. We did questionnaires to work out what our schemas are and what our main modes are. But here is a website that explains the basics and it’s not too much of a read here

I’ll also try and add some more info over the coming days too. 



Re: Schema therapy group

Wow, this is a fantastic idea @Bow  - particularly in terms of helping you to solidfy your learnings! Thanks for sharing, I'll totally have a lil scope of the link later tonight!

Re: Schema therapy group

Thanks @Bow looks interesting.  I came across schemas in groupwork a very long time ago but never had the opportunity to work with them. 

You mention BPD - at one stage I had a BPD diagnosis - but perhaps it's relevant to other conditions too like c-ptsd. 

Re: Schema therapy group

I'm excited for you bow. 



Schema has really helped me. 

Re: Schema therapy group

Thanks for taking the time to start this thread. I think it will be invaluable for myself as well as others. @Bow 


For those who don't know, schema refers to set ways we think and view things. They tend to be the patterns of thinking we hold.  @Bow may be able to give a better definition as well as a bit of summary about what Schema Therapy is.

Re: Schema therapy group

Yeah once I’m feeling a bit better I’ll post a bit more about schema therapy and what it is and catch you up to where I’m at in my group @tyme 

Re: Schema therapy group

Thanks @The-red-centaur  im glad schema therapy has helped you. 

hey @Dimity  yeah it can help with a number of mental health conditions; including ptsd, ED, depression, anxiety. 

it help break negative, rigid and unhelpful patterns of thinking and feeling and to address problematic behaviour and mental health conditions

Re: Schema therapy group

Morning @Bow 


Nice to virtually meet you.  To be honest, I had no idea what 'schema' was, so was looking it up on Google, I seem to be doing a lot of that of late.  Anyways while Google gave some definitions of what it means, I kinda understand it as 'a thought process in dealing with things', but I would be very interested to know how you find it and what your interpretation of it is.  So the best of luck in your course and looking forward to hearing how you find it.  All the very best......Asgard

Re: Schema therapy group

Hi @Bow 


Thank you for posting this.  I'd love to learn more and in turn help you remember through sharing. Its speaks so much about the person you are that you are willing to do this for our community 💙


@DimitySchema therapy was recommended to me for PTSD if that helps.  I never got to start the therapy though as my old psychologist stopped practicing abruptly and my new one after many months is still "looking into it".


Thanks again Bow.  Hope to see you around on the forums.


Warm regards


Re: Schema therapy group

Thanks @SkySeeker22 . I hope you can follow up the schema therapy if you want to.

I've been having some EMDR for past trauma but am left with old habits. I'm not sure I'd have the opportunity for schema therapy but maybe awareness is a start.