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Resources on psychosis


My wife was admitted to a Mental Health Unit on Sunday night after experiencing symptoms of a psychotic episode (paranoia and delusions). [edited by moderator]


I know it is early days, and we don't even have a full diagnosis yet, but I was wondering if someone can recommend some book or resources to help.

I guess what I am looking for is:

1. General books or resources about psychosis that could help me, and her when she's back, learn more about the topic.

2. And also more specifically other books or resources about helping a person with psychosis as a carer.

Thanks and best regards


Re: Resources on psychosis

Hi @ajmoralesmartin ,


Welcome to the forums. It must be so tough to see your loved one in hospital.


I'm not an expert in this area, but I'm wondering if you would be interested in this support group?


I'm not sure if this is suitable.


I hope others will be able to better guide you in this. 


You are not alone.

Re: Resources on psychosis

Thanks for your response @tyme. I'll have a look to that support group.



Re: Resources on psychosis

The hospital stay (esp if it's the first), may be a bit of a lengthier one @ajmoralesmartin . If they don't really have a record or history, they need to start from scratch.


Hopefully, they find medication that works for her. Finding the right meds may take some time. 


Are there things you can do at this time to look after yourself?

Re: Resources on psychosis

Hello @ajmoralesmartin it’s messages like yours that make me wish my husband was still alive as he had lots of experience with me when I have had some psychotic episodes.


Eventually the right medication can provide some stability and a good psychiatrist is priceless.


I will tag @Determined as he may offer some support and experience caring for a wife with mental illness.


Take care

Re: Resources on psychosis

Thanks @tyme @Eve7 for your responses and your support.

I'm OK and, in fact, a bit better as yesterday the doctors said she was recovering very well.


Thanks again and best regards

Re: Resources on psychosis

That’s really good news @ajmoralesmartin  thanks for sharing.

Re: Resources on psychosis

Hi @ajmoralesmartin,

Thank you for sharing and I am sorry that your wife and yourself are going through this difficult time, but that is wonderful news that she is recovering well and it sounds like she is in good hands.

Not knowing enough about psychosis I know I'm not the best person to offer support, but I hope the following resources will be of some help to you:

SANE - Psychosis Factsheet 

Caring for a Loved One with Psychosis or Schizophrenia - A Carer's Guide to Understanding Illness and Keeping Well 

Carer Gateway - Caring for someone with mental illness

Wishing you and your wife well, I hope she comes home to you soon.

Take care,



Re: Resources on psychosis

How are you today @ajmoralesmartin ?


How's your dearly beloved today?

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