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Breaking the stigmas

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here, it has been a paricularly tough week for me and one of my first symptoms of mood drop is 'writers block'. I read all of your posts, more than daily, I open the reply window ... I know what i want to say .... but it just doesn't make it to the keyboard from my fingers. 

To everyone who has mentioned me in comments, I will get back to you, and thank you.

In the meantime, during a bout of insomnia I saw an episode of 'The Stream' on Al Jazeera

I'd like to share it with the 'forum family' .... I thought the 4 guests spoke so well, very open and thoughtful  and I identified with so much of what they said (although I am not OCD) 

If you have a spare 1/2hr it is well worth a watch.



Re: Breaking the stigmas

I have saved this to have a look at later - thanks for sharing @WombatBoots


I hope things are improving for you this week!

GO THE BLUES Smiley Very Happy


(I just realised 'Go the blues' has a double meaning... the football team and also a reference to feeling 'blue' - see what I did there!?!)

Not applicable

Re: Breaking the stigmas

Hi @WombatBoots,

Just wanted to echo Nik Nik's thoughts.


Thank you for sharing this, it's fabulous that you've brought this to our attention. Hope to "see you" around the forums, great to read your stories. 

Stay Groovy

Rhythm  Smiley Very Happy