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Casual Contributor

time going very slow

hi all 

Im not used to forums so if i muck up the ettiquite pls let me know

I have depression anxiety 

I am breaking up painfully from a 5 yr yo yoing relationship and finding it impossibly hard

I cant come to terms with the reality, we have been keeping contact as friends im trying to do no contact but its not working 

dreading xmas and new year



Re: time going very slow

Relationship ending is hard ... I find it hard to do the no contact thing too ..

Welcome to the forum and hope you make some better relationships

Not applicable

Re: time going very slow

Hi @sunny1,

Welcome to the SANE Forums. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us.

It can be really hard coming up to holidays and not being with our loved ones, especially if you're still going through the break up now after such a long time together! 

I hope the contributers here on SANE are able to be here for you during this difficult time. Especially as you're having trouble keeping up with friends in real life, maybe it will be easier to talk to people with lived experience online?

What are you hoping to get out of your time on the Forum @sunny1

Thanks again for sharing, and all the best.