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Re: not coping

thank you sis @Sans911
its hard being anywhere atm. ive shut everyone out the last probably few months even though i know i shouldnt

Re: not coping

I think the law is that they can not evict you if that means you would be put at risk of homelessness @outlander. Still, I understand that must be really stressful being in limbo, and not having a clear idea of 'what next'.

Re: not coping

its unsettling not knowing anything @Sans911
i am exhausted but they also declined my disability application as well so i cant afford to not work even if its getting to a point of a breakdown physically and mentally

Re: not coping

oh @outlander you are copping from all sides, aren't you lil Sis? 


I will stay here sitting with you tonight. I can understand your exhaustion.


You must appeal the DSP rejection hun. The they have to pay you back to the start date of your application.

Re: not coping

i also have been told my neuropathic disorder has spread to not only my leg but my arm, pelvis and my digestive system. @Sans911
theres nothing they can do, only manage it with what im already doing. my new specialist has ordered 2 more tests to do to see if there is anything else also happening like gastroparesis. they may be able to try one more medication but looks like another lifelong debilitating condition

Re: not coping

there is no way out @Sans911 it doesnt matter how hard i try it comes from all angles.
DSP rejected me because they said my management is good and its to stable for me to be on dsp.
ndis has declined my application so i appealed that nearly 8 months ago now for a second time.
i cant take my medications for pain because i have to go to work but its getting to a point its becoming to unamanageable pain wise for me to go especially when the weakness on the entire left side of my body goes and i have nothing that i can do

Re: not coping

😥😓my heart just breaks for you @outlander . Life is so flipping unfair sometimes. And some get far more than their share of unfairness

Re: not coping

I try to be a good person and to give back but it never seems enough. The universe doesn’t like me @Sans911
I just want the pain to stop. To live normally

Re: not coping

Will you stay with me for a while @Sans911 I’ve had to take stronger meds to pain manage but until it works if it works tonight I need to try and breathe through it. I’ve got heat packs on in various places to try and ease the pain through my body

Re: not coping

You are a good person @outlander. You are caring, kind, you give when you have nothing left. You are strong for others when they don't deserve your strength and care.


I don't thinks it's got anything to do with the universe not liking you. I think you have given so much to others, that your needs were/are constantly neglected.


So you have suffered. In more ways than most. 


I'm here for you sweetheart, just lean on me. Well breathe together.