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Something’s not right

Re: Winter solstice

Hope you are both okay @Dimity @NatureLover . Sounds like a tough time. I have asthma too, and it's been playing up. Is it the weather @NatureLover ?


Also @Shaz51 . Hope you are okay too. Haven't seen you around tonight.

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , thanks for your concern ❤ Yes, I have a nebuliser, plus the doctor today gave permission for 5 more days of emergency steroids. I'm relieved. Plus stronger antibiotics, phew. 


I see you're feeling pressure from having your transport helper for a few more weeks. I feel for you. I will send wishes for you. 


My nice neighbour gets me groceries, and put my bins out last week too. But yes, it feels like I've been sick for months and my MH has deteriorated. This winter seems extra long, extra dark and extra cold. 


Seeing your psychologist just for one more session - I hope it goes well 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @tyme , sorry to hear you have asthma too. Yes, the icy wind doesn't help. Hope yours eases 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

Yeah... childhood asthma @NatureLover . It's much better now, but I still have to be careful.


It was really bad when I was a kid. 


Also, I'm going to send you an email shortly.

Re: Winter solstice

Thank ❤️ you @tyme 


Had to go to the city again for husband to be fitted with a 24 hour heart monitor today 


Hope you feel better soon 💕 


Get my results of my sleep test next week 

I let some of my close family members what the kidney specialist said and now I wished I had not told them 😔 

Re: Winter solstice

I'm so glad you have care from your gp and nice neighbour @NatureLover . I hope you can explore digital resources at your library if you run out of books.

Sorry to hear you have asthma too @tyme . I'm fine at present (relatively speaking), highly relieved at weathering my cataract op a few days  ago.

It looks like a cold weekend coming up. Ivdo hope you both can stay warm.

Re: Winter solstice

That's tough @Dimity . How's the cataract recovery going?

Re: Winter solstice

Awww @Shaz51 . It doesn't sound like they understand about your condition?

Re: Winter solstice

Hello @Shaz51 I guess that's a trip back in to the city tomorrow too to return the Holter monitor. Fingers crossed it doesn't find anything serious. 

I'm glad you finally did your sleep test, it's been a while.

Family can be tricky. I trust they're supportive and not worrying you. I've had some flak from family too. 

Re: Winter solstice

They are full of I  "should"  advice @tyme 

Even though the kidney specialist is happy 

My liver is up a little bit,  so more tests next week 

Then I see the diabetes specialist 

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