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Re: My special place

I'd let her know I'm trying @Jynx I hope that would be enough.

Sometimes I think why do I bother going private too. Yes you can pick your psych and pdoc, but does it really give you more support. It feels like it just comes down to money. 

How are you meant to be heard amongst all the others. The only times I got more support is when my actions were considered extreme. (Yes trying to say it in the best way to not trigger others)


Re: My special place

@Snowie ugh, bit like that hey! Such a horrible thing that money rules our mental health care. And lives. Have you spent much time navigating the public system? Honestly whether one or the other is better probably comes down to the individual institutions involved, like maybe in your area the public hospital is actually decent and private is all crappo. Hard to say... 😵


You're hitting on something here I think... That we don't get support until it is dire is one of the BIGGEST issues in the system. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to go to that length just to feel heard. 


Grrrr I swear Snowie if I could, I'd go EAT EM ALL!! Okay maybe not that, but I had to express my anger a bit, because you just... you deserve so much better hun 💜

Re: My special place

ah @Jynx the joys of living rural.

We have a small public hospital but it's so small they don't even have a mental health nurse/worker. They just send you home or tell you to get someone to drive you to a major hospital.

It's about an hours drive to the nearest public or private hospital.


My "local" mental health unit is a 45min drive away. 


It's true, unless you do something dire you don't get noticed/heard. Sad.


In saying that I better go. Anyway, thanks for chatting to me and helping me tonight and the other nights too. I do really appreciate it even if I didn't say it. 





Re: My special place

Hugs @Snowie .


Sorry I've missed you tonight. I hope to catch you tomorrow.

Re: My special place

You're so welcome @Snowie any time - love our chats. Nighty night hun, hope you get some good rest in tonight 💜