05-02-2025 06:30 PM
05-02-2025 06:30 PM
No sorry needed @Bow unless they up and secretly changed the rules on us and venting is no longer allowed 😋
I am over the moon to hear of this!! What an amazing example of how advocacy and collaboration can work. I am with you, sometimes when I am in OVERLOAD and someone like, offers to take over a task or whatever? It's like the first warm sun in winter! Such warmth and kindness and relief. Gladness.
Hope you feel a lil lighter after the brain dump?
05-02-2025 06:42 PM
05-02-2025 06:42 PM
Thanks @tyme big day… big few days. But hopefully today’s outcome helps.
and yes, I have 3 kittens. They are foster kittens and have had them 2 weeks already. They were tiny little beans when I got them. Only 5 weeks old, so 3-4 feds a day, daily weighing. I’ll have them until they are old enough for desexing and then they will go up for adoption
05-02-2025 06:53 PM
05-02-2025 06:53 PM
They best not ever change that rule @Jynx venting and brain dumping is a helpful
yeah I so appreciated my old sw jumping in and taking over. When she offered to help tell my new sw she said that I could do it, she totally believed that I could. Oh boy was I hesitant. Them words are hard to say. Urgh. I didn’t speak them last year. I wrote them down. I just shut down when it was time to speak today.
Why are they so hard to say??
Brain dumping was helpful. I really wish it was easier. I really miss the sane chat line. Like I have things going on now that I’d really like to get off my chest but I have nowhere to do that. It’s heavy carrying words that no one else knows
05-02-2025 06:54 PM
05-02-2025 06:54 PM
Awwww! They are adorable! For someone who doesn't like cats, I'm growing really fond of them. @Bow
05-02-2025 07:31 PM
05-02-2025 07:31 PM
@Bow oh absolutely!! I think it's how we make sense of our internal experiences, as well as like... idk for me, when I express something it means it's out of me. Most times it then stops swirling around brain.
I think they're hard to say for the same reason that expressing other things brings relief. It makes them real.
I miss chat too hey. I wish it were easier to just build one into this space, but apparently the IT wizards say the stars haven't aligned yet.... Or so I am choosing to believe cos I don't speak computer. But you do still raise a good point. Do you think the Worry Room serves this purpose?
Cos like if there's a need for a dedicated venting space in the forums and other members are keen too, we can totally see about building one!! I can at the very least talk to the team about it. No promises obviously but if you reckon it's a good idea we might as well chuck it onto the planning table!
05-02-2025 07:47 PM
05-02-2025 07:47 PM
It’s ….. ummm not something I want to tell the world @Jynx but something that I want to tell someone. Ya know sometimes ya have things that eat at you inside cause you need someone to know but you just can’t share it.
Or perhaps it’s just not appropriate for the forums.
I know there was talk of there being like private space on the new forums. I kinda liked the idea of that.
05-02-2025 08:09 PM
05-02-2025 08:09 PM
I gotta dash @Bow, but honestly it is not a bad thought and well worth looking into!!
Actually I probably have questions I could ask but I literally have to run lol time blindness has it's claws in me!!
I bet you got claws in ya too, little kitty ones!! Give their lil beans a smush for me! Nighty night hun, good to chat as always 💜
05-02-2025 08:50 PM
05-02-2025 08:54 PM
05-02-2025 08:58 PM
05-02-2025 08:58 PM
Yo! @Bow Yes my dear, I'm around 🙂
I was going to say earlier, I think fostering kitties is such an awesome idea. You are helping them and it's probably giving you fulfilment too? Is that fair to say?
I fostered puppies in the past, but it's a lot more work... they chew and ruin everything!
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