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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry I didn’t respond earlier @Snowie but I went out for dinner.


I am just really depressed and nothing seems to help. Why is it like this?

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 wrote:

I am just really depressed and nothing seems to help. Why is it like this?


Sorry to hear, dear @Eve7  😢 I know how that feels. Depression is the worst as it robs you of hope. Sending wishes it eases very soon 🤞

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @NatureLover 


I hope your day goes well

Re: Morning has broken

I'm glad you got out to dinner hon @Eve7 At least that is something.


I wish I could answer your question. I wish I knew why it was like this too.

It is hard when you have that cloud over your head. It doesn't seem to matter what you do, you can't shift it. 

Understand sweet Eve.


Sending lots of love and strength and of course some squishy hugs 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie Sending squishy hugs to you my friend.


Decided to catch the train to work but feel like going in the opposite direction. 

Re: Morning has broken

Some days are like that @Eve7 

I hope work goes quickly for your sake hon


Re: Morning has broken

Good morning @Eve7 

Hoping the movie went well last night.

Wishing you a good day today.

Sending lots of squishy hugs 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

We watched The Jesus Revolution @Snowie and I quite enjoyed it.


My visit with pdoc was pretty good even though it left me exhausted so I went through Zaraffas drive through on my way to work.


How has your day been?


Hi @tyme 

Re: Morning has broken

I find my appt.s leave me exhausted too @Eve7 Takes a lot of brain power at times. As long as you got something out of it...


I hope work went ok.


My day has been ok. Had dentist appt. Have to go back for a few fillings. Besides that just been at home. Struggled to get of the couch.

Re: Morning has broken

Heya @Eve7 ,


Good to see you. I've been worried about you. Hope you are okay. What's been happening?


Hi @Snowie ,


If you are struggling to get off the couch, stay there for now? I want to be on the couch too lol.


Hope you're okay.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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