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Feeling very low :( pnd?

Hi everyone,


This is my first post to this website. I'm 33 years old and a mum to 3 children under the age of 5 and the youngest is 4 months. I am not medicated as most ssri's and ssnri's make me sick (bladder issues). I've tried the healthy eating omega 3 route and that didn't help. I'm finding my moods chronically low. I went to my GP and they said they couldn't help me as I'm not willing to take antidepressants..I would if they didn't make me want to go to the toilet 1000 times a day. I've got a mental health care plan and have seen a counsellor 2x but she isnt available alot because its a free service. I've seen a psych who said I had adjustment disorder and wasn't convinced I had depression.I'm feeling so helpless and frustrated...I'd love to wake up not so low...its affecting my 2.5yr old and my 5 year old and my relationship with my husband. I don't even like driving at the moment as my brain is in such a fog I forget where I'm driving and thats not really safe with kids in the car. I'm so angry, agigtated too 😞 Barely wanting to eat,feel cold all the time and finding a drink at night is the only real thing that keeps me feeling okay.....


Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Hi greeneyes81.  Welcome to the forums.  I imagine you'll get heaps of suggestions here. Trust me. There's 4.5 years difference in age from eldest to youngest with my 3 and I had PND until shortly before the youngest was born so I know the utter exhaustion you're feeling.  

Counsellor - do you have access to an alternative?  That attitude sux and you have every right to get the service you need regardless.  You're not paying but they are still getting paid so they should be tailoring their service to your needs.  Sorry, I hate it when people get fobbed off a service like that.  

The GP should refer you to appropriate services.  I don't know what state you're in but there are heaps of organisations around the country who could help you with other types of support.  Are you getting a break from the kids at all? 


Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Thanks for the reply, I'm not really getting a break....I don't have alot of support as our family is all scattered around Australia. I have looked at beyond blue today to get some information on gps that specialise in depression etc. I rung Mindspot clinic after getting the link off beyondblue too. Its hard for me to see a counsellor because of the 3 kids under 5 scenario 😞 I have to find after hours appointments or on weekends which is hard. Just so frustrating....wish I could just snap out of it 

Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

I know it may sound unachievable, but you need to get that break especially to get that counselling.  Snapping out of it isn't an option and you need to take care of yourself to take care of those kids.  What about day care?  Is that an option for just a few hours a week while you have appointments or just sit under a tree and chill?

I'm really hoping someone else here on the forum can jump in with suggestions or organisations that can help with the kids.   It was almost 2 decades ago I went through this.  I had a non supportive husband who sided with his parents in that I was just jealous of the baby, my own parents didn't believe in depression and then we moved across the country where I knew noone but my (now ex) husband and his parents.  

Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Hi Greeneyes81,

You've been so active and resourceful with searching for treatments and advice. I can only imagine how trying it would be when you're feeling pretty low and foggy in the mind. 

Just wondering if the psych you saw was a clincial or counselling psychologist? The difference between these types is a clinical psychologial focuses more on diagnosis and assemessents whereas a counselling psychologist will tend to focus more on the therapies (click here for more info). If it was a counselling psych, it might be helpful to see a clincial psych to get a diagnosis, as this will influence your treatment options, which might be good seeing as it seems that what you're receiving right now isn't working for you. 

Another option could be looking for a pscyh that has some expertise in pnd? You can search for psychs based on their area of expertise on the APS website. On there, you can also view if they do medicare rebates under the mental health care plan too. An idea would be to contact them first to establish exactly how much the medicare rebate covers and what you need to do to access it. 

I hope some of this info helps. Let us know how it goes. 


Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Hello Greeneyes81

I am also new to this forum.

I can "hear" your desperation and I too have been having trouble finding services because of needing to access services through Medicare - I keep being told I am asking for something for free which, on the basis that I've paid a Medicare levy the whole of my working life, I do not agree with.

I notice you have a mental health plan, that should give you greater access to psychologists who will take Medicare.

I've never heard of anti depressants making people go to the loo all the ime. Must be very frustrating for you. Does St Johns Wort have the same effect?

There are some psychiatrists who specialise in treatment withouts med. There is also a desensitisation treatment. I forget the name, something like rapid eye desensitisation treatment. I could look it up for you if you would like.

Take care.




Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Hey greeneyes81 - how are you doing?

Re: Feeling very low :( pnd?

Just wondering green eyes if you have heard of panda? That is the peak support service for post natal depression.
Their website is

They offer a helpline service too.

It is 1-300-726-306

It operates 10-5, Monday-Friday

Hope this helps.

Take care.