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Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

justanother47yr, a bit like a strae house at the moment.


Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.




Community Elder

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Up and down hills??
Community Elder

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

3 things about myself:

*im quite fixed on my own fitness- a struggling battle in which im back and forth on- but passionate about.

*I was an artist for a very long time- but i have had "the block" for years and have only worked on a hand ful of things since

*i have never owned any music. Very weird most people tell me. If im in the mood for it and dont have any one elses around to listen to- ill put the radio on.


lol and i too make up back ground stories and scenarios for people when im "people watching"

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Im A book lover. I read and read and selling two baskets of books back to a second hand bookshop today.