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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

sop sop and sabee domboi are best on the NITV website for Kriol Kitchen. Most authentic I find @Faith-and-Hope

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I misunderstood @Shaz51 - happy daze anyway !


@Faith-and-Hope  I have eaten many types of indigenous foods from Oz, PNG and NZ.  My favourite is probably the mu-mu aka hangi - cooked in the ground, smoky and roasted with lots of vegies, usually pig but the seafood one I went to was fantastic.  Back in my wilder days I lived on an ostrich farm for a while and once cooked ostrich that way (buried it's body instead of it's head in the sand - see what I did there?).  It was the toughest meat I ever ate!

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 I love nutty chocolate and anything cookies and cream 🙂 what is yours?

@PeppiPatty Hi! Nice to "meet'' you 🙂 do you have a favourite chocolate here in Chocolate Land?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My birthday is 3rd June @Shaz51 Smiley Happy 

Good on you for giving Mr Shaz space when he needs it. 

It's going okay tonight, thanks for checking in.. Friday is always a bit hectic with FF but always lots of fun!


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Everyone still here?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

ohhh @Former-Member, I love soooo many of thm I can`t decide

Chocolate 2.jpg

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @MDT, just at the chocolate fountain, topping up my mug of chocolate! Where are you?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'll be sure to remember your birthday @Former-Member, it's my anniversary on that date. 

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Not sure if we have actually "met" @MDT, so if we haven't yet, nice to meet you!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yep still here @MDT

Thanks @Former-Member, xx

@Former-Member, @eth, when is your birthdays xx