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Re: Night Shift

Crashed here @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah i always go on about how much it sucks, but i've done an hour of it without much effort. just gotta read a bunch of stuff now

Re: Night Shift


Re: Night Shift

slept all day here prob sleep tonight as well @plasmo  had to go to dentist today, gum not behaving after having tooth out. Blew off job interview I arranged myself tomorrow. makes my life a lot simpler,not sure what it does with my future lol. plus sibling says visiting next week, didnt realise it was so soon and not used to people doing what they say anymore, but going to have to do some serious house cleaning b4 that lol.had no visitors last 12mths , so had let things go a bit lol

Re: Night Shift

yeah i'm zonked.. went for a walk and bought more crap, can;t stop buying mugs

Re: Night Shift

thats pretty harmless re mugs @plasmo  ?so long as got somewhere to put them

Re: Night Shift

yeh sort of, got 2 music ones, a bowie one yesterday. 2 basketball ones last week..

Re: Night Shift

okay so nothing you drink from @plasmo  wondering who would sell them lol. are they new ?

Re: Night Shift

yeh mostly new, probably gifted and people clear stuff. i'm a sucker for car ones too

Re: Night Shift

am struggling to imagine what bowie , some bball player or a car on a mug looks like @plasmo  whateva works hey