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Re: Night Shift

Hi @Jaimelyn  what's happening ? has someone shown you around ?

How are you going ?

Re: Night Shift

okay next time maybe if you feel like chatting @Jaimelyn @Shaz51 

Re: Night Shift

Hi night shift, it's been a rough week actually. My daughter is in hospital and not doing all that well, she has some dreadful issues that would challenge a more robust person

Re: Night Shift

Oh sorry! I'm new to this forum posting! You're TAB not 'night shift'🤣

Re: Night Shift

oh dear @Jaimelyn that doesn't sound too good. Hopefully things get better for her. Welcome to the Forums anyway. Has anyone shown you around yet ? there's the forum for carers also threads like somethings not right etc. But yes, things get quiet around here esp at night.

Re: Night Shift

😁well wateva .. there is No 'nightshift' there is a 'thread' where people talk, and often not anyone on there tbh. @Jaimelyn  if you type '@' as in just the ampersand then names come up and you can reply to things.  I'm scared to put links in as not visited these threads in ages but have a look around on main page of site and see who's around maybe @moderator    Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂 

Re: Night Shift

Hey @Angie2023 over here .... this is night shift

Re: Night Shift

Can I join night shift...?

Re: Night Shift


Re: Night Shift

hey @plasmo  hit the wall here, not been to bed yet, crashing soon