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Re: Everything music

I think we may have mutual friends @Glisten 

Re: Everything music

@Glisten I'll pull up a chair for sure. I've got Restlessness and a lurking sense of Overwhelm hanging out, but also got room for Contentment and Solace - I think they always have a seat with me while I'm here, because I love my work so much and it gives me a sense of calm to know I can be here for, and here with, the lovely forums fam. 


Hmmm... the ones you've listed, Inadequate, Failure, You Don't Matter - they're more like value judgements, or labels. Something I've learned, both through my time as a therapist and my time as a client, is that we often identify things as emotions that aren't really emotions. Something that can help is using this big fella: 




So even my Restlessness might be better labelled as Stimulated or Irritable (it can definitely be the latter, but today it's the former, thankfully). And my Overwhelmed might be more Worried with a smidge of Powerless (adulting is hard and I can never seem to get on top of my to-do list lol). If you want to, you could use this to identify the emotions that are underlying the labels you've shared? Up to you of course! I just find it to be a super helpful exercise for myself, even doing so here has been illuminating haha. 


Scones are one of my favs! All warm n fluffy and piled with jam n cream! Thanks for the tag hun 💜

Re: Everything music

@Jynx  I love your work. You have given me a translator for feelings language!

 I love learning new things. THANK YOU 

Re: Everything music

You are very welcome @Glisten happy to share!! 

Re: Everything music

@StuF   love trent!

Re: Everything music

Yay @greenpea 


I thought mostly of you when I put that pic up! Thankfully it seems to have connected with you lol

Re: Everything music

@StuF   🙂  thanks StuFx.  how are you going?

Re: Everything music

I'm ok thanks @greenpea . Improved a bit. Hopefully I can do the work thing tomorrow.

How are you?

Re: Everything music

@TAB @Jynx @Glisten @tonys @StuF   Trent Reznor, NIN, is hot and a talented musician and singer.  Can thoroughly recommend his music.

Re: Everything music

Oh mate..   Not true.   I  look for you every day just to see what your into. ..  up too.  You matter to me bigtime..     And I'm not the only one.             what's happened mate.   I was looking at your chairs again

wondering about all the steps and traps.  Tell you a secret.   I did try making a chair once..  Actually I think  my doc submitted it with my Ndis application.   I can still see him,  doubled up with laughter..


You have got pair of hands,  a mind and a heart,  I would love to have  @Glisten 

Invalidation scones you say.  Dark  deep and sad,   But I see you.    look at your words mate.   They are a painters words.     Painters feel pain.   I'm so sorry you feel it.   Me,  I envy it.   You  feel  at a level  many cannot. . .  Use that.   Its just one of your many gifts.  Tell it  or sell,  to we,   that don't have it,  and need it.


I think inside you,  are words  art and dreams  searching for a way to manifest in the real world.

I for one am a friend that wants to be ringside when that happens.  


Your right.  I'm no  social  worker.  Never really know the right thing  to say. You know..  autistic.

But I spend years looking for raw  truth.  For a glimpse at  the place beyond the soul.  In a few words

I see in you,   a  pathway to. . .   that place.

Please,    start to paint  create,   and   write,  and  I  mean,    really  write.     You got   kid.   I  see it..


I'll look out  for you  once   the white   coats  have  feasted  there  fill  off me.             


Hang in my  friend .....                


Find the art inside you that I clearly see,  and  make something beautiful from it..       tonys